
Spouse of 7203 Convict: "No Answers - No Taxes - No Food"

WTP Takes a Stand in Bogus Michigan Tax Conviction Bob Schulz is on his way to Michigan where he has pledged the support of We The People to save the life of Rose Lear and to affect the release of her husband William Wallace Lear following his recent questionable conviction following a 26 USC 7203, Willful Failure to File indictment.

Rose Lear of Muskegon, Michigan is now in the fourth day of a hunger fast. Mirroring the words of Schulz from July 2001, she announced that she will not eat again until she dies or until the federal government agrees to meet with the experts from the tax honesty movement in a recorded, public forum to address the evidence and answer the questions about the fraudulent income tax system.

She said she "will only eat and drink the body and blood of Jesus Christ during her fast," (meaning she will only receive communion). She just recently notified Schulz of her situation, telling Schulz that she will not talk to the press and has directed all press inquiries to Schulz.

Lear’s husband William Wallace Lear must surrender himself to the Federal prison in Duluth, Minnesota before midnight on Monday, March 10, 2003, where he is scheduled to begin serving a one year sentence for the conviction.

Schulz has scheduled three press conferences and meetings on Monday, March 10th. The first will be at
10 AM in Muskegon, Michigan at the Muskegon Harbor Holiday Inn, 939 Third Street (231-722-0100). The second will be at 6:30 PM in Minneapolis at the Holiday Inn, I-494, Exit 3 (12th Ave and Portland Ave) 814 East 79th St, Bloomington, Minnesota (952-854-5558). The third will be at 11:00 PM outside the gates of the Federal prison in Duluth, Minnesota, 6902 Airport Road. (218-722-8634).

A film crew will film these events so that the nation can witness firsthand the destruction of an honest American family caught in the thrasher of a unlawful tax prosecution and a corrupt judicial machine.

Bob spent all of last week working with William Lear and various WTP attorneys, examining records of the trial, Lear’s experience with the IRS and the "justice" system and the legal issues surrounding both his indictment and Lear’s denial of due process.

In a nutshell: in 2001, the IRS told William he was under investigation for failing to file a tax return for 1995 and 1996 and that if William filed the return and paid the tax for any one of the two years the IRS would forget about the other year. Lear refused based on his beliefs that no law required him to file a return and that a substantial and credible body of evidence showed the income tax to be fraudulent in its origin and illegal in its operation.

Without hearing from Lear, a grand jury handed down an indictment charging William Lear with two counts of failure to file under 26 USC 7203 (the indictment did not include any other charges or statutes). The court-appointed attorney immediately told William he did not share William’s beliefs and would only help William if William plead guilty and plea bargained (William refused based on his beliefs that no law required him to file a return and that the income tax was fraudulent in its origin and illegal in its operation).

The judge instructed the court-appointed attorney to sit in the back of the room while Lear was forced to represent himself. The judge would only allow the jury to hear about William’s beliefs regarding his obligation to file a tax return as long as William’s testimony remained within the meaning and confines of the Internal Revenue Code itself. Lear was not allowed to present his beliefs regarding the constitutionality and/or the validity of the tax law that allegedly compelled him to file a tax return.

On the record, William Lear asked four prosecution witnesses (IRS employees) a total of 17 times to identify the specific law that required him to file a return – the IRS employees refused to do so.

Off the record William raised the jurisdiction issue. During jury instructions, and critical to the Section
7203’s legal prong that requires "willfullness" to obtain a conviction, District Court Judge Quist characterized Lear’s beliefs about his obligations under the law as being "unreasonable".

Bob and the WTP organization have decided to do all they can to save the life of Rose Lear and to get William Wallace Lear out of prison.

The meetings in Muskegon and Minneapolis will be followed by a series of large regional meetings the We The People Congress has decided to schedule around the country during the next five weeks. Bob will speak at each of the meetings and is making arrangements with leading credentialed professionals and former IRS agents to attend and speak. The first of these meetings has been scheduled for Sunday, March 16, 2003 in Nashua, New Hampshire, near Boston.

Thus continues We The People’s national "REDRESS BEFORE TAXES" campaign to earnestly appeal to companies, workers, retirees and the self-employed to stop withholding, filing and paying the individual income tax until the government properly responds to the People’s Petition for Redress and remedies the grievances relating to the income tax. "NO ANSWERS, NO TAXES."

Click here to see a copy of a press release.

We ask everyone to immediately put the release in the hands of all the print and broadcast media outlets in their area and attend these important press conferences. Please spread word of this injustice and help save the Lears.

It is time to take a stand. It is time for answers.

Obtain a CD-ROM or VHS of the Nov. 14th, 2002 Freedom Drive Event in DC.

Read Why The People Are Legally & Morally Justified to Act: "No Answers, NO Taxes"


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