----- Original Message -----
From: "J. R. Atnip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 8:27 PM
Subject: The truth

> This is the only man/woman in D.C. that tells it like it is.
> Congressman Ron Paul
> Congressman Too Truthful
> Wed Mar 5 02:02:54 2003
> Congressman Too Truthful
> by: Congressman Ron Paul - House of Representatives
> 203 Cannon - Washington D.C. 20515
> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7006/truthful-paul.html
> The other day, I made a huge "gaffe" on national TV: I told the truth
> the
> crimes of the U.S. Government.
> As you can imagine, the ceiling fell in, and a couple of walls too.
> Congressmen are
> supposed to support the government, I was told. Oh, it's okay to criticize
> around
> edges, but there are certain subjects a member of the House of
> Representatives is not
> supposed to bring up. But I touched the real "third rail" of American
> politics, and
> the sparks sure flew.
> I was interviewed on C-SPAN's morning "Washington Journal," and I used the
> opportunity, as I do all such media appearances, to point out how many of
> our
> liberties have been stolen by the federal government. We must take them
> back. The
> Constitution, after all, has a very limited role for Washington, D.C.
> If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal
> meddling in our
> schools; no Federal Reserve; no U. S. membership in the U.N.; no gun
> control; and no
> foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor";
> No
> American troops in 100 foreign countries; no Nafta, GATT, or "fast-track";
> no
> arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private
> property; and
> no income tax. We can get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of
> the
> agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal,
> limited.
> That system is called Liberty. It's what the Founding Fathers gave us.
> liberty,
> we built the greatest, freest, most prosperous, most decent country on
> earth. It's no
> coincidence that the monstrous growth of the federal government has been
> accompanied
> by a sickening decline in living standards and moral standards. The feds
> want us to
> be hamsters on a tread mill working hard, all day long, to pay high taxes,
> but
> otherwise entirely docile and controlled. The huge, expensive, and out-of
> control
> leviathan that we call the federal government wants to run every single
> aspect of our
> lives.
> Well, I'm sorry, but that's not America. It's not what the Founders gave
> It's not
> the country you believe in. It's not the country I believe in. So, on that
> TV
> interview, I emphasized not only the attacks on our property, but also the
> decline of
> our civil liberties, at the hands of the federal police. There's not
> supposed to be
> any federal police, according to the Constitution.
> Then I really went over the line. I talked about the Waco massacre. Bill
> Clinton and
> Janet Reno claimed those 81 church members including 19 children, burned
> down thier
> own Church, killed themselves, and good riddance. So they put a few
> survivors on
> trial, and threw them in prison for 40 years.
> We're not supposed to remember that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
> Firearms--talk about an unconstitutional agency--rather than arrest David
> Koresh on
> his regular morning jog, called in the TV stations for a big publicity
> bonanza, and
> sent a swat team in black masks and black uniforms to break down his front
> door, guns
> blazing. They also sent in a helicopter gun ship, to shoot the roof of a
> church full
> of innocents.
> The Branch Davidians resisted, and after a heartless siege of almost two
> months, and
> after cutting off food, water, electricity, and playing horrible rock and
> roll
> through huge speakers 24 hours a day, the Feds sent in tanks to crush the
> walls of
> the church, and inject poisonous CS gas.
> Now, CS gas is banned and under the Paris Convention on Chemical Warfare.
> The U.S.
> could not use it in war. But it could and did use it against American
> civilians.
> After the tanks did their work on the church, the place burst into flames,
> and all 81
> people--men, women, children, and babies--were incinerated in a screaming
> horror. Did
> some feds set the fire? Did the flammable CS gas ignite, since without
> electricity,
> the parishioners were using lanterns? Did a tank knock over a lantern,
> striking one
> of the bales of hay being used against the thin walls as a defense against
> bullets?
> Or did the Davidians, as Clinton and Reno claim, kill themselves?
> A new documentary- -Waco: Rules of Engagement--may show, throughout FLIR
> infrared
> photography, FBI snipers killing the Davidians by shooting through the
> of the
> church, where no media cameras were allowed. This film won a prize at the
> Sundance
> Film Festival. It was made by people who took government's side, until
> investigated.
> Whatever the truth, there's no question that an irresponsible federal
> government has
> innocent blood on its hands, and not only from Waco. And the refusal of
> corrupt
> perverse liberals to admit it means nothing.
> It my interview, in answer to a caller's question, I pointed out that
> in the
> federal murders at Ruby Ridge'--especially the FBI snipers shot that blast
> apart the
> head of the young mother holding her baby caused many Americans to live in
> fear of
> federal power. Then uttered the sentiment that caused the media hysteria:
> said that
> a lot of Americans fear that they too might be attacked by federal swat
> teams for
> exercising their constitutional rights, or merely for wanting to be left
> alone.
> Whoa! You've never seen anything like it. For days, in an all-out assault,
> was
> attacked by Democrats, unions, big business, establishment Republicans,
> of course
> the media, in Washington in my home state of Texas. Newspapers foamed at
> mouth,
> calling me a "right-wing extremist". (Say, isn't that what George III
> Thomas
> Jefferson?)
> I was even blamed for the Oklahoma City bombing! And by the way, I don't
> believe
> we've gotten the full truth on that either. All my many opponents were
> outraged that
> a congressman would criticize big government. "If you don't like
> resign!"
> said a typical big-city newspaper editorial.
> But the media, as usual, were all wet. (Do they ever get anything right?)
> The average
> Congressman may go to Washington to wallow in power, and line his pockets
> with a big
> lobbying job for a special interest (so he can get keep ripping-off the
> taxpayers).
> But that's not why I'm in Congress. It's not why I left my medical
> as a
> physician. It's not why I put up with all of the abuse. It's not why I
> refuse a plush
> Congressional pension.
> I'm in this fight for reason. I want to hand on to my children and
> grandchildren, and
> to you in your family, a great and free America, an America true to her
> Constitution,
> an America worthy of her history. I'll not let the crooks and clowns and
> criminals
> have their way. I'm in Congress to represent the ideas of Liberty, the
> that you
> and I share, for the people of my district, for the people of Texas, for
> people
> of America. That's why I'm working to stop federal abuses, and to cut the
> government:
> its taxes, its bureaucrats, its paramilitary police, its spending, its
> meddling
> overseas, and every single unconstitutional action it takes. And not with
> pair of
> nail scissors, but with a hammer and chisel. Won't you help me do this
> Not much of the federal leviathan would be left, if I had my way. But
> be able
> to keep the money you earn, your privacy would be secure, your dollar
> be sound,
> your local school would be tops, and your kids wouldn't be sent off to
> useless
> or vicious foreign war to fight for the U.N.. But Jefferson and the other
> Founders
> would recognize our government, and our descendants would bless us. By the
> way, when
> I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the
> income tax and
> the IRS, and replace them with nothing.
> Recently, I asked a famous Republican Committee Chairman--who's always
> talking about
> getting rid of the IRS--why engineered a secret $580 million raise for the
> tax
> collectors. "They need for their computers," this guy told me. So the IRS
> can't
> extract enough from us as it is! The National Taxpayers Unions says I have
> the
> highest pro-taxpayer rating in Congressional history, that I am the top
> "Taxpayer's
> Best Friend". You know I won't play the Capitol Hill games with the
> Hill
> gang, denouncing the IRS while giving the Gestapo more of your money. Or
> figuring out
> some other federal tax for them to squeeze out of you. I also want to
> abolish the
> Federal Reserve, and send Alan Greenspan out to get a job.
> The value of our dollar in the level of our interest rates are not suppose
> to be
> manipulated by a few members of the power elite meeting secretly in a
> palace.
> The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional, pure and simple. The only
> constitutional
> money is gold and silver, not notes redeemable in them. Not fed funny
> Without
> the Federal Reserve, our money could not be inflated at the behest of big
> government
> or big banks. Your income in savings would not lose their value. Just as
> important,
> we wouldn't have this endless string of booms and busts, recessions and
> depressions,
> with each bust getting worse. They aren't natural to the free market;
> caused by
> the schemers at the Fed. President Andrew Jackson called the 19th
> Fed " The
> Monster" because it was a vehicle for inflation and all sorts of
> special-interest
> corruption. Let me tell you, things haven't changed a bit. I also work to
> save our
> schools from D.C. interference. Thanks to the feds, new curriculums not
> smear
> the Founders as "racist, slave owning elitists," they seek to dumb down
> our
> students so they will all be equal. "Look-say" reading and the abolition
> phonics
> has the same purpose, and so does the new "fuzzy" math, in which there at
> right
> and no wrong answers. That must be what they use in the U.S. Treasury!
> certainly
> what they use in the U.S. Congress.
> But ever since the beginning of federal aid to education and accelerating
> with the
> establishment of the rotten Department of Education, SAT scores have been
> dropping.
> Schools, with few exceptions, are getting worse every year. To save our
> kids, we must
> get the sticky fingers of the feds off our local schools, and let parents
> rule.
> That's what the Constitution says, and the Bible too.
> And then there's my least favorite topic, the U.N.. World government is
> obviously
> unconstitutional. It undermines our country sovereignty in the worst way
> possible.
> That's why I want us out of the U.N., and the U.N. itself taking a hike.
> After all,
> the U.N. is socialist and corrupt (many votes can be bought with a "blond
> and a case
> of Scotch" one U.N. ambassador once said). It costs many billions, and it
> puts our
> soldiers in U.N. uniforms under foreign commanders, and sends them off to
> unconstitutional, undeclared wars. When Michael New, one of the finest
> men I've
> ever met, objected to wearing U.N. blue, he was kicked out of the American
> Army. What
> an outrage! Not one dime for the U.N., and not one American soldier! Not
> Haiti, not
> in Bosnia, not in Somalia, not in Rwanda. I know its radical, but how
> devoting
> American military efforts to defending America, and only America?
> Such ideas, said one newspaper reporter, make me a maverick, who will
> go far
> because he won't go along to get along. Darn right! What does "go far"
> Get a
> big government job? To heck with that. And I won't sell my vote for pork
> either. When
> I walked through the U.S. Capitol this morning, I got angry. The building
> filled
> with statues and paintings of Jefferson, Madison, and the other Founders.
> Those great
> men sacrificed everything to give us a free country, and a Constitution to
> keep it
> that way. When I was first elected, I placed my hand on the Bible and
> an oath
> to uphold the Constitution. That's exactly what I'm fighting for. Such
> drive
> the liberals crazy. That's why I badly need your help. I've been targeted
> nationally
> for defeat. The Democrats, the AFL-CIO, the teachers union, big business
> PACs, the
> trial lawyers, the big bankers, the foreign aid lobbyists, the big media,
> and the
> establishment Republicans want to dance on my political grave. The Fed,
> Education
> Department, in the U.N. are anxious to join in. They can't stand even one
> person
> telling the truth. And they're terrified when that truth gains the people
> support.
> Right now, four well funded Democrats are competing to try to beat me, and
> Republican
> is rumored to have been offered money at a secret meeting in Mexico(!) if
> would
> try to knock me off in a primary. Won't you help me stay up here to fight?
> Frankly
> I'm in trouble if you don't. My Texas district has 22,000 square miles
> a
> misprint). I've got to travel all over it, set up small offices to be
> by
> volunteers, advertise, pay phone bills, and distribute video and audio
> to the
> people to get around the big media lies. As I know from my last election,
> which I won
> by the skin of my teeth, the media will carry any smear, repeat any libel,
> throw any
> piece of mud, no matter how untrue. In fact, the less true, the more they
> like it.
> They are determined to silence me. But you can help me overcome all this.
> Together,
> we can beat the bad guys arrayed against our country and our freedom. We
> support
> the Constitution. We can win. Your generous contributions of $25 or $50
> would be
> great. $100, $250 , or even $500 or $1000 would be magnificent. Of course,
> any amount
> would help, and in return, I will keep you up-to-date on this fight as a
> member of my
> "kitchen cabinet". What great men founded this country! What great people
> have
> carried on their fight! That fight is not lost, not if you will join in.
> Washington,
> D.C. is a loser, but among the people, our ideas are gaining every single
> day.
> Keep the tide turning in our direction. Please make your most generous
> contribution.
> Join this fight for the Constitution, and stop those who want to rip it
> and throw
> it in the Potomac. Together, we can join the Founders fight. Together we
> make
> this history.
> Sincerely,
> Ron Paul
> U.S. Congressman
> 203 Canon,
> Washington D.C. 20515
> Committee to Re-elect Ron Paul 837 West Plantation, Clute, TX 77531
> --

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