The sober people in Washington are a lot more worried about North Korea than Iraq

For better or worse, a war is on the way

Dick White 
     You say you're getting fed up with all the waiting? Can't wait for the  shooting to begin and the MOABs to start mushrooming up along with the littered bodies?
Well, buck up, Bucko. With hundreds of thousands of troops locked, loaded and camped just outside Saddam's doorstep, it should be just a matter of mere days (read: March 18) until the tar pit in the United Nations bubbles itself out and all hell breaks loose.

Oh, the actual fighting would be over in less than weeks, but then we will have Muslim and Arab terrorists' reprisals to look forward to, and won't that be exciting?
This president's "diplomatic" approach has been so mindlessly bellicose that the world is actually siding with Saddam Insane, uh, Hussein, instead of us. And that has everything to do with the president's arrogant claim of not needing anybody's permission to attack Iraq, or anywhere else.
Most well-meaning Americans interpret this disgrace under pressure as: Iraq is developing weapons of mass destruction, failing to cooperate with weapons inspectors and violating its obligations under U.N. resolutions. Saddam has got to go.
Most well-meaning people everywhere else in the world interpret it as: You do not have the right to invade anyone anytime you want without the rest of the world's permission. American sovereignty does not take precedence over international treaties and consideration.
Isolationists aside, the fact is that most of America is marginally buying Bush's over-inflated sense of supremacy, even as the rest of the world overwhelmingly opposes it.
But the thinking now is that U.N. backing will give a war international legitimacy abroad and, undoubtedly, what will be called "moral" legitimacy here at home.
It would also ensure that the costs of reconstructing Iraq would be shared by the organization. And, oh yes, it would also help British Prime Minister Tony Blair -- ironically, Dubbya's possible first Casualty of Pre-war --keep his job in the face of his party's revolt over Iraq.
That being said, if you are frustrated regarding the current U.N wranglings, be assured you are not the only one. Let me simplify it for you:
It appears that a carefully worded compromise could get the United States the nine necessary votes it needs to have a majority in the council.
The United States has the support of Britain, Spain, Bulgaria, and now, Cameroon, meaning it only needs four of the other undecideds -- Guinea, Angola, Mexico, Chile and Pakistan. Despite rhetoric, Pakistan appears to now be on board with the United States. So does Guinea and Angola. That makes eight votes, which leaves Mexico and Chile as critical swing votes.
France, Russia, China, Germany and Syria are against us. France says it will veto the vote if it passes. As a result, the "America: My Country Right or Wrong" crowd vows to stop eating Brie if this happens. Sacre bleu!
The plain fact is that Dubbya so incredibly botched any semblance of American diplomacy, that America has never been so universally hated in its history in the eyes of the rest of the world.
Still, we're going in.
So until then, just sit tight, count the U.N. votes (not that it's going to make any difference), and enjoy the war.
And if you're a real American, you'll postpone that vacation trip to gay Paree -- and just about everywhere else in the world.

Dick White can be reached through the Internet at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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