I called Miss Ginny's Washington DC office yesterday.  I talked to her idiot assistant and read him the riot act and told him to tell his birdbrained boss that our fallen heros already are at home.
Our military cemetaries in France are sovereign United States property, just the same as all of our embassies.
The French citizens maintain our veteran's cemetaries better than we do here in our own country. The French have the highest respect for those soldiers.  Our French veteran's cemetaries are beautifully  landscaped and magnificently manicured, the grass looks as though it was combed by hand.  The French schoolchildren are assigned individual graves and every year on June 6th they place flowers on every single grave and there are literally tens of thousands of them.
All of us have relatives buried overseas if you go back far enough. Are we going dig up all of our ancestors also? Leave it to a sleazy politician to use our dead war heros in some cheap attempt to garner publicity. Some Americans think we should adopt an isolationist policy toward the rest of the world. It's funny how much the rest of the world agrees with them.
Has anyone suggested a bill to ship back the Statue of Liberty? Or sell back the former Louisiana Territory? Or stop teaching French in schools? Or boycotting Blockbuster until they alter titles like: The French Connection?
Ginny Brown-Waite is a freshman, or junior,  representative in Congress and she is already a member of the House Veterans Committee. She is culpable for the state of our VA hospitals and the way our government treats our veterans with intentional indifference.  The fact that we have homeless veterans in the United States of America is a national scandal and disgrace.
Maybe France should pass a bill to bring home the Statue of Liberty, and then help hand the US back to the British Empire. One thing that people tend to miss in this whole debate is that France, remembers better than many, and certainly better than America, what war means and understands the devastation of losing an entire generation of young men; knows the pain of burying their dead and rebuilding their towns; knows what it's like to have an enemy who wants nothing better than to see you fall.  Maybe this is why France is loath to pave a path to war; not because they want to "take a stand" against America or have any personal vendetta against anyone, but because they better than anyone know what war means, and want to prevent it if at all possible.
I don't know why some people can't grasp the concept that some one can actually hold two independent ideas at the same time about something. Yes, it's possible for the French to respect America for its assistance in WWII and at the same time oppose the invasion of Iraq. Just as, if a person had any intelligence whatsoever, they should be able to respect Frances' assistance to America in the Revolutionary War and understand France's current position regarding Iraq and not act like little children throwing temper tantrums because some one else disagrees with them. 
President Chirac's efforts to find a way to disarm Saddam without getting American troops killed is not an act of effrontery or hatred toward the United States. What if France decided they wanted to oust the regime in Saudi Arabia?  They're not exactly paragons in their treatment of their own people. Suppose France decided they were going to invade Saudi Arabia and install a new government.  Would we jump right in and lend a hand or would we say "wait, let's think this thing over first."?  So why should we expect other countries to jump to our whims?  Just because George W. Bush says so? France doesn't want to start another war. So what. Neither does 90% of the rest of the world right want to start another war.
We're sure showing France a thing or two!  First we rename our junk and breakfast food and now we're going to take back all our dead people. I sure hope this teaches them a lesson. This country is full of idiotic five-year-olds masquerading as Congressional representatives.  I hope someone is keeping a record of all this stupidity. Let this be the last term these children serve.
Is it any wonder why other people hate the Unites States when we have crackpot lunatics like Miss Ginny in Congress???
I encourage everyone to call, write or fax Miss Ginny and express their feelings about her proposed legislation!
Web Site: www.house.gov/brown-waite
E-mail: Contact Via 'Write Your Rep.'

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1516 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0905
Phone: (202) 225-1002
Fax: (202) 226-6559
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Dade City, FL 33526
Phone: (352) 567-6707
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