"A film, highly critical of U.S. foreign policy, was imported by Global Outlook magazine , an alternative news service." It was retained and examined by Canada Customs for "obscenity, or for being outright hate literature"

Journalists' group upset as

Canada Customs 'detains' anti-war film

by Christopher Hutsul

Toronto Star, 13 March 2003.
www.globalresearch.ca   14  March 2003

The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/HUT303A.html

Canada Customs released a detained shipment of anti-war tapes yesterday, but the group Canadian Journalists For Free Expression is perturbed that the two-hour film What I Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy, by American documentary producer Frank Dorrel, was held in the first place.

"The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency's involvement in vetting political material is a worrisome departure for the federal agency," said Joel Ruimy, group executive director.

"In the past, the material they held on to was being examined for obscenity, or for being outright hate literature. But in this case, it seems to be a political decision based on a perspective in the current geopolitical universe." Ruimy said it was "curious" that the tapes were detained now, after more than 1,000 copies had been shipped earlier without incident.

Customs said the move earlier this month was a detainment, not a seizure. "The tapes were detained because they were suspected of being hate literature, so we reviewed them, then we released them," said spokesperson Colette Gentes-Hawn. She said many of the thousands of packages shipped over the border each year are detained, for no more than 30 days. Those found to be prohibited may be shipped back or abandoned.

The film, highly critical of U.S. foreign policy, was imported by Global Outlook magazine , an alternative news service.

Editors Note:

Frank Dorrel's Video What I Learned of US Foreign Policy has been released from Canada Customs. If you wish  to order it, click here   (scroll down)

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