It was a country addicted to war.  Its leaders were an extremely
wealthy elite who had profited from the spoils of continuous warfare
while the living standards of the general population continued to
decline.  It had a foreign and domestic policy of causing the rule
of violent regimes.

It was the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the 40-year reign of
Jeroboam II, from 793 to 753 B.C., as described in Amos 6.  And it
serves in every way as an exact parallel to the twentieth-century
history of the United States.

Amos 6 may even be a dual prophecy; its typical reference was to the
Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II; but it
may have an antitypical reference to the rogue leaders of what I
call the Anglo-American-Israeli birthright-scepter troika of
nations, i.e., to the rogue leaders of Britain, the United States, and Israel, all pursuing chauvinistic, jingoistic foreign policies while their own people suffer.

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