Mar 17 2003


IT was a rare moment of truth in the shabby charade which is plunging the world into war.

Suddenly President Bush's mask slipped. The pretence that he is a great statesman and the saviour of international freedom was laid bare.

He was revealed as a petulant little man, sick of having to wait before sending his massive forces into Iraq, his patience with pretending to listen to other nations totally exhausted.

Yesterday's trip to the Azores was always going to be a farce. Always going to leave the world a fingertip away from war.

The meeting between the leaders of America, the UK and Spain lasted an hour. No time for discussion but plenty of time to nod agreement with the President.

There is no longer any doubt that this rush to military action is one of the most sordid episodes since the Second World War. Mr Bush is only interested in blitzing Iraq.

What makes it so much more terrible for the people of Britain is that our government is being dragged in and plumbing disgraceful depths to justify involvement.

The concerted attack on France is shameful and degrading. Cabinet ministers yesterday toured TV and radio studios to condemn President Chirac and accuse the French of being responsible for war.

This is hypocrisy run riot and double-think of scandalous proportions. You expect it from newspapers with no principles or morality, but we are entitled to something better from Tony Blair's government.

Responsibility for the coming conflagration lies four-square on America's shoulders. Mr Bush is committed to war and Mr Blair is determined to support him.

The President and his supporters in the British Cabinet have a peculiar view of what UN backing entails. To them, it means meekly accepting whatever the White House says.

It is that view which threatens the future of the United Nations. It is ludicrous to suggest that France's insistence on a peaceful solution is an act of war.

Tony Blair still fails to understand that one reason the British are so opposed to this war and so cynical about the motives for it is that we are being treated like idiots.

We don't want fake dossiers of "evidence". We don't want lies about the dangers we face. We don't want attacks on people and countries who prefer peace to war. We don't want farcical summits whose only aim is to speed the rush to military action.

It is clear that war is only hours away. When it starts, we will be very clear about who is responsible.

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