Interesting thought I had while reading this article. Not that I agree with it or not but, It will be used as a lesson, and tool in implementing a new world order. Call me crazy, but this is what I read.....Bush by using his OWN judgemnet  and Sovereign authority in going to war, pushing the protesters to turn more towards the UN....When all is said and done more and more people will be screaming for us the US to be a bigger part of the UN. The reasoning being , " We don't want another crazy loon in the office taking us, our sons and daughters to war, endless slaughter, and maimed life!" People will be ( as many are now ) begging for UN intervention, thus giving their sovereignty and eventually all their rights and FREEDOMS over to this beastly governing body, ( run BTW by dictators who have slaughtered their own people). Willingly relinquishing their own thought processes, allowing the UN to dictate how they should feel , WHO or WHAT they should Worship, how they should spend their time, what they should read, watch or listen to. I am Afraid I have just seen their master plan before my eyes, for those of us who will oppose such a system, I don't know where we will fit in. I believe society will do all they can to change our minds, what we see, and even lie to us about all our belief systems. Only our FAITH in a true creator and TRUTH will stop them from their brain-washing of us. Some of us will give up the fight if we fall away from our networks and truth  speakers, ( like Alex Jones, Dave and Joyce, Stadtmiller, etc), for them it will be a victory for the beast system, for the rest of us who hold out....I DO NOT KNOW, Perhaps death, which in itself would be a lot better then being a slave to a demon on your knees for life, Perhaps Exile, which won't be bad if we are together. I do Know WE WILL NOT SURVIVE IF WE TRY TO DO IT ALONE.
Iraq and Beyond

T he Bush Administration has launched a war against Iraq, a war that is unnecessary, unwise and illegal. By attacking a nation that has not attacked us and that does not pose an immediate threat to international peace and security, the Administration has violated the United Nations Charter and opened a new and shameful chapter in US history. Moreover, by abandoning a UN inspection and disarmament process that was working, it has chosen a path that is an affront not only to America's most cherished values but to the world community. The UN did not fail; rather, Washington sought a UN imprimatur for a war it had already decided to wage and scorned it when the Administration couldn't get its way.

To justify the war, the President has invoked the doctrine of "preventive" war, under which the United States is to be the sole judge of that doctrine's legitimacy and application. Thus, the war is about more than Iraq; it is about the character of our society and the international order in which we live. The Administration hopes that a quick victory will not only silence critics and confer an ex post facto legitimacy on the war but also give momentum to its larger political agenda. But even if there are minimal casualties and devastation, that will not justify overturning international norms developed over sixty years. Nor can it legitimize a worldview that will make Americans the target of international outrage and make the world less secure.

Americans will soon be forced to confront the question of who is to pay for what is about to unfold. The White House has withheld from Congress and the American people the true political, humanitarian and economic costs of the war and of the occupation that is to follow, but even by the most modest estimates, they will be staggering. In addition to lost lives in Iraq and ruptured friendships around the world, they include grave domestic damage; by adding $200 billion or more in war-related costs to the cost of his tax cuts for the wealthy, Bush has signed a death warrant for many social welfare programs and damaged our society for years to come. The costs also include the renewed threat of nuclear proliferation from countries, including North Korea, fearful of leaving themselves without a deterrent to US aggression.

Another issue that must be confronted is the postwar agenda in the Middle East. Already hawks are arguing that the United States should use a conquered Iraq as a base for increased military pressure on Iran and Syria, with the goal of further "regime change." If the Administration chooses this course, it will put the lie to its rhetoric about bringing democracy to the region. Instead, it must work cooperatively with the European Union, Russia and the UN to dismantle Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and bring about a viable Palestinian state.

If we are present at the creation of a new American empire, we are also present at the creation of another superpower--the largest, most broadly based peace and justice movement in history, a movement that has engaged millions of people here and around the globe. In America, in the weeks and years ahead, this movement confronts several historic challenges. In the long term it must build an alternative foreign policy and sustain its dedication to a nonimperial future. In the short term it must organize to remove the Bush Administration from office and elect new leaders dedicated to international cooperation and peace.

"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Ain't Karma A Bitch!

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