My true feelings about the following 2 items are unprintable.  "Extremely disgruntled" is a polite understatement.

A BuzzFlash News Analysis

March 21, 2003

Bush's Groom and Gloom


As reported in the Washington Post, the White House is quite peeved that video of Bush getting groomed and acting jolly was broadcast prior to his "we're bombing Iraq" announcement:

The White House is vowing a strong retaliatory response after the BBC aired live video of President Bush getting his hair coiffed in the Oval Office as he squirmed in his chair and practiced on the teleprompter minutes before Wednesday night's speech announcing the launch of military operations against Saddam Hussein. (See: Link)

Many BuzzFlash Readers have asked us where they can see these videos. You can download videos of that broadcast from the globalfreepress web site at the URL below:

[Link Update: BuzzFlash Readers have been having difficulty accessing the above link, we imagine due to the traffic. You may find more luck trying it again later in the evening or over the weekend, or you can visit the The Smoking Gun for a shorter version of the footage:]

As reported by Knight Ridder Newspapers (See: Link), "Minutes before the speech, an internal television monitor showed the president pumping his fist. "Feels good," he said." Although BuzzFlash could not accurately point to that moment, something else about the broadcast bothered us.

When you watch the videos, think about the fact that Bush is about to tell the world that he's sending our soldiers to possibly die, but definitely to kill innocent people in Iraq as our military bombs and shoots its way to Saddam. Think about that and contrast that with Bush's jovial, playful attitude, seen unfiltered in the Dutch broadcast (digitized in the 11.3M "BushGroomed2.mpg"):

Hey, Bush, it sure is funny thinking about all those innocent Iraqi women and children who are going to die painful and horrible deaths because of your bombs, isn't it? Just downright slap-happy funny. We bet you haven't had this much fun since you mocked Karla Faye Tucker's plea for clemency (See: Link) and executed at least 135 people while Governor of Texas (See: Link | Link 2).

And then the show really begins and Bush puts on his face of concern and tempered anxiety. What a farce. What a shameful, despicable farce. Every moment fabricated.

And now, back to the war coverage.


Ari Fleischer is taking fairly hostile questions from the press right now.
Apparently the folks in the press are nearly as horrified by the bombardment
as I am.

Ari just admitted that W didn't watch the bombing. What a coward, huh? You
ought to see what YOU have authorized. It's YOUR doing buddy.

How many times is Ari going to make that lame and completely discredited
9/11-Saddam-Al-Qaeda link argument?

This is an immoral administration that will say or do anything to advance
its goals.

Today is certainly all the proof you need of that.

Update: I'm told W is already on his way to take a weekend off at Camp
David. We're in the middle of a war and this joker leaves Washington?

Now that's commitment to his job, eh?
He ordered the airstrikes and then, with his tail between his legs, W promptly headed out of town

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