On 8 Feb 2012, at 20:30 , Stephen Kent wrote:
> I think the real issue, which you ay have overlooked in my comments
> above, is the notion that the best candidate for a CA is an entity
> that is authoritative for the identity asserted in the cert.

I cannot agree more with you in that statement. And I don't think I overlooked 
it. What made me reply was the point about federated identity ("having one org 
trust another to assert and identity for a user known to the second, but not 
the first") being "a recipe for security problems". My point was that a 
certificate was precisely such an assertion, and I do agree with you in that 
whichever entity making such assertion (X.509, SAML, JWT…) has to be 
authoritative for the identity asserted if you want it to be usable.

> Based on you reply, I get the sense that you're focusing on CAs like the
> current set of browser TAs, all of which fail to meet the criteria I
> cited.

As well as many of the federation systems you and I are aware of, for sure. But 
not all, and not because the concept behind them is flawed.

Be goode,

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: di...@tid.es
Tel:    +34 913 129 041
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