
On 12/17/2012 06:20 PM, Ben Laurie wrote:
> On 17 December 2012 01:54, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
>> Hiya,
>> I think this is getting very near the point where we can last
>> call it, but isn't quite there yet. My review below.
>> Cheers,
>> S.
>> maybe needs thought, defo needs answering:
>> ------------------------------------------
>> (1) RFC 5878 has a bunch of IPR declarations [1] attached and
>> is not afaik widely implemented (is it at all?).
> We implemented it in OpenSSL. I have patches for Apache.

I wonder if anyone else plans to implement now and could say
if they see this as an issue or not?

>> Is re-use of
>> that really a good plan for something ultimately intended to
>> be used for all web servers if that IPR were problematic?
>> Note: in the IETF we don't judge the terms nor applicability
>> of IPR but we do pay attention to what IETF participants say
>> they think about that. In this case, there's no WG, so I'm
>> asking. (Full disclosure: one of the declarations is a 3rd
>> party one I made. [2]) My take is that this might be
>> problematic, but what do others think?
> I do not have a view on whether it is problematic, but would be happy
> (ish) to propose an extension all of CT's own.

Fair enough. As above, I guess if others don't comment then
what you're doing must be ok for now at least.

The rest below are fine,

>>   [1]
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/search/?option=rfc_search&rfc_search=5878
>>   [2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/808/
>> (2) abstract: "domain owners or their agents" makes it sound
>> like I might have to pay to monitor; be good to re-assure that
>> no such constraint is planned. (Such re-assurance doesn't need
>> to be in the abstract, arguably not even in the draft, but
>> also arguably ought be somewhere.) While its none of the
>> IETF's business who charges for what in general, in this case,
>> where there has been ongoing negative comment on the impact of
>> PKI business models on Internet security, I do think it'd be
>> good for the authors of proposals to be clear how they think
>> they're affecting such charging issues.  Personally, I guess
>> that since EFF and some academics have been able to afford to
>> populate large databases of TLS server certs, this shouldn't
>> become a huge barrier, but it could in principle impose new
>> subscription costs or constraints on TLS servers or even
>> clients and that might not be a good plan.
> [response in separate email]
>> (3) Sometimes you say "the log" and other times "logs" I think
>> the term log needs to be used consistently otherwise we may
>> end up being unclear about cardinalities of things later.
>> Suggest adding a specific definition for this term, or invent
>> a term for all logs everywhere.
> OK, I have gone through the document and cleaned this up. In short, I
> have referred to "the logs" meaning all of them, and used terms like
> "a log", "each log" or "a particular log" elsewhere. The actual phrase
> "the log" still crops up but is hopefully clear from context.
>> (4) You say you expect "most" public CAs to take part. I think
>> that's a bad thing to say for an experimental RFC and could
>> cause you problems at IETF LC (say if some CA says "this is BS
>> because we're not taking part"). The experiment in any case
>> doesn't need most CAs, just some useful number and you seem to
>> have that.
> I removed the word "most" :-)
>> (5) 2.1, better to say sha-256 is hard-coded for now and that
>> that's ok for an experiment - you may well get comment on that
>> since a standards-track RFC would need alg. agility probably.
>> Do *all* logs have to use sha-256 or is it just that all logs
>> have to use one hash alg? Be good to be clear on that too.
> Done.
>> (6) The precertificate thing needs some more detail at least,
>> e.g. what's "poision" about? (I assume its to prevent such a
>> "pre-cert" be verified anywhere, but then you could also mess
>> with the dates.) Also, saying the precert-signing-cert has to
>> be signed by "the CA cert" private key isn't quite enough. If
>> you mean the same CA cert that's above the TLS server cert
>> then that might not be possible (e.g. with pathLen) albeit
>> that's unlikely, but there could be other reasons why that CA
>> can't issue a CA cert (which the precert-signing-cert is,
>> right?)
> Done.
>> (7) 3.1, p10, 2nd para: "...chain...to a trusted root..." does
>> that mean that trusted root has to be the CA that issued the
>> topmost cert in the submission to the log, or is any trusted
>> root accepted by the log ok? ("using" the chain might not be
>> considered normative.)
> I think I clarified this in the process of fixing point (6).
>> (8) 3.1, says the log can accept "not fully valid" things but
>> also says that a "valid chain" is required. That needs
>> clarification I think, since some would consider that a valid
>> chain cannot contain e.g. an expired end-entity cert.
> This is essentially hedging against operational CA difficulties, so I
> have clarified that.
>> (9) 3.1, " However, the log MUST refuse to publish
>> certificates without a valid chain to a known root CA." seems
>> to preclude any solution for self-signed certs or DNSSEC/DANE.
>> Is that a good plan? Maybe if you make it a positive "must
>> accept" then that'd avoid that problem? (If a good solution
>> for SSCs or DANE spam is figured out later.)
> [response in separate email]
>> (10) 3.1, identifying a log solely on the basis of its key_id
>> without any roll-over seems dumb. What if the log wants to
>> roll its signature key? This would have to be fixed in a
>> standards-track RFC but really could be done now and would be
>> better for having being done.
> [response in separate email]
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