Paul Lambert <> wrote:

> >> 1) Basic logs and the ability to have assurance on time and order
> >
> >Not sure how you do time without some notion of trust. But order is a
> >basic property of the log, yes.
> Order places bounds on observed events in a time sequence.  Log based
>  ¹time' would have a different model of usage  and would validate the
> order events rather than deliver a continuos clock time. For a broader
> usage of time in the logs you have a good point about the Œtrust¹
> particularly for time.  Different entries would have different qualities
> of time accuracy and veracity that could be quantified.

Tangentially related (since it does not involve Merkle logs) I have a
background project on secure time, based on getting the time from multiple
different sources using tlsdate and requiring that a quorum of them agree.
I have written a few articles on the subject and some rough proof-of-
concept code (not even polished enough to be called a prototype).

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Forties, Cromarty: East, veering southeast, 4 or 5, occasionally 6 at first.
Rough, becoming slight or moderate. Showers, rain at first. Moderate or good,
occasionally poor at first.
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