The fact that designers have been forced to go through the process of
generating a description is often very useful.

What I have been doing is to make the presentation of what and why into
podcasts that are up on YouTube.

I think UNIX would have come out very differently if the designers had been
required to work with a technical writer and explain what was going on. Lot
of needless obfustication would have been easier to fix than to explain.

Which is of course why there is a resistance to doing such exercises.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Melinda Shore <>wrote:

> 1) I've asked Ben and his co-authors to resubmit
>    draft-laurie-rfc6962-bis as draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis
> 2) We need to nail down milestones.  In particular we need
>    to have a reasonable ballpark estimate of when we'll get
>    the bis draft into working group last call.  I'd like more
>    feedback from the authors and working group participants
>    on what they and you feel needs to be done to wrap up
>    the draft.  Does late 2014 seem reasonable for working
>    group last call?
> 3) Another question is whether or not there are sections
>    of 6962bis which ought to be moved to separate documents,
>    such as client behavior.
> 4) London planning: I am generally not a fan of burning up
>    meeting time on PowerPoint-driven presentations - they're
>    sometimes unavoidable but IETF meetings are working meetings
>    and I'd rather use the time productively, for face to face
>    discussion of things which are difficult to work out on
>    the mailing list or which would benefit from more interactivity
>    than we can get with email.  We don't have a huge amount of
>    spare time in London but we can squeeze in some people in
>    if they've got something that needs attention or that would
>    help move the document along
> 5) the corollary to 4 is that I do try to get as much done on
>    the mailing list as possible.  One thing that's been useful
>    in some circumstances in the past has been an issue tracker.
>    We do have a working group wiki page with an issue tracker,
>    and I'd like to get a sense of whether the working group in
>    general and the authors more specifically would find it
>    helpful in progressing the document.
> 6) Are there other process issues you'd like to see addressed?
> Once I hear from Ben et al. I'll get a draft agenda for London
> posted.
> Thanks,
> Melinda
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