At 10:31 +0200 15.6.2004, Eric Madelaine wrote:

> So I have mainly two options: if I book my return plane friday afternoon 
> (there
> is one convenient at 5pm), I will have the first evening available (tuesday),
> plus a part of friday.
> If some of you are available (for whatever you plan, computer session, caving,
> or just eating and drinking), and willing to speak french for a while (;-), I
> can book my plane on saterday, but you'll have to host me for the night, and 
> to
> drive me back to the airport...

After phone with Stacho - they (Stacho, his wife, Martin) may come on Friday 
July 9th at morning - visit a bit old Prague with you and afternoon we may 
drive to Hriby to barbecue a therion, drink beer, ... On Saturday we may 
continue and afternoon drive you to aiport.

Anybody else?


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