On 2006-10-15 10:02 +0200, thierrygonon wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just downloaded the latest version of therion (0.4.1, dev. snapshot 
> of 2006_10_12).
> When I compile these sources, everything goes OK till it starts to 
> compile loch, the new 3D viewer... The problem mainly seems to be in 
> some headers : it answer frequently that it doesn't find the vtk 
> headers, such as vtkPointData.h, so that it generates a lot of 
> consequent errors
> But in my case, I have an installation of vtk, coming with Paraview... 
> This should be ok, no ? Otherwise, how can I show the path to these 
> headers to the compiler ???
> Apart from this point, it works well !!

Set the path in the loch Makefile.
e.g. (on a debian system)
VTKPATH = /usr/include/vtk-5.0 

it will no doubt be different on your setup.

I had to change the libs list as well.

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