Quoting Fa. FJH Toni Cavalheiro <Toni.Cavalheiro at wacker.com>:
> Hi all, I'm trying to use a Survex centerline on Therion but I don't  
> know how to start. Do I have to use the .SVX or the .3D? Could  
> anybody help me with the first steps, please? Thanks! -Toni

First of all, I wonder why your e-mail did not passed into conference.  
I am sorry for that. Did you wrote e-mail to therion at speleo.sk? If  
this does not work, you may try therion at speleo.cz instead - it is an  

If you would like to keep your centerline data in survex, you need to  
use 3D files. Otherwise you will need to convert SVX files into  
therion format.

If you will download therion sources, small example (with centerline  
only) is available in directory tests/svxtst.

Regards, S.

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