I'm new to Therion, but think it is fabulous!  I am just in the process
of drawing up our new discoveries in Mendip, UK, and like Andrew am
looking at how to include the centreline in the map pdf output.  (It is
visible in the model output but not the map).  I have tried including
the "survey" in the list of maps (and additionally found that I need to
specify the -projection plan option).  However, no centre is visible in
the pdf output.  Have I misread your email: is this something the
software should already be able to do, in which case what have I missed
out of my .th file?

Stacho Mudrak wrote:
... The only way how to do this is to add surveys to the map  


You have 3 maps and 1 survey without map. You define

map map_total

I will put this problem into TODO list.


Quoting Andrew Atkinson <andrew at wotcc.org.uk>:

> Hello
> We (Wookey and I) are working on the Mulu data set which is using
> 3d files to import the survey legs. This shows the survey legs within
> the passage where it exists, but not when there is no pasage. However
> what we would really like to do is show the centreline when there is
> passage, and not show it when there is passage drawn.
> Is there any way to do this
> thanks
> Andrew
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