Hi Stacho,

personally I think converting svg files to th2 files might be the best  
  way of doing it. Since assigning distinct Therion features to  
imported  svg lines is difficult,  I feel that probably the best way  
is to  import only a single feature at a time by breaking down svg  
files into  separate items e.g. one file for walls one for stations  
etc. - that  could be done in a fashion that reflects the later scrap  
structure.  This is easily done if the original map had several layers.

By doing so you end up getting several uncalibrated th2 files that can  
  be manually combined in a scrapwise manner.

Then one could calibrate the th2-files similarly to the approach with   
the bitmap sketches by manually placing station markers.

Another way would be to perform the calibration already at the level   
of transformation from svg to th2.

No matter which way you want to go, even a simple und relatively   
unspecific svg-to-th2 converter would help a lot. The rest could be   
done manually - such a simple approach could save days or weeks of   
redrawing work when it comes to bigger systems.
Also it could be used to import vectorized bitmap scans of older cave maps.

I do have several svg files that I would like to convert and I can   
send you some samples.

Also I do have shotline data in Wincompass format for almost all the   
cave maps so importing the shotline after the th2 conversion would be   

Best Regards,


Zitat von Stacho Mudrak <s.m at group-s.sk>:

> Quoting Juergen Bohnert <juergen.bohnert at uni-tuebingen.de>:
>> Anyway, I think it is time to say thank you for the wonderful program
>> that you guys have created!
>> I think it is really a revolution in drafting of cave surveys!
> Thanks a lot!
>> Therefore my question is: have you ever considered implementing a
>> filter or even  a standalone program that could import vector graphics
>> from other CAD software?
> Yes, but it was very low on the TODO list until now. But you are not
> the only one who is interested in it, so may be it is time to try
> something.
>> I understand that due to the special scrap structure and hierarchy of
>> Therion maps this might not be an easy task but I feel that it might
>> be doable by simply converting svg files (which can be easily
>> generated by almost all CAD software available) to some sort of
>> intermediate Therion format that could than be manually adjusted to
>> the personal needs.
> Well, I see solutions possible.
> 1. Create "File->Import" function in therion map editor, that will
> import vector drawing into map editor lines, points and area objects.
> I can imagine importing any text file (SVG or DXF). The only problem
> is, how to effectively organize this mess of lines and points after
> import. At least, there can be some simple import filter, that will
> assign correct line types/subtypes/options according to symbol XML
> tags in SVG or LAYER or other properties in DXF. But there will be
> definitely also needed some interface to manage multiple objects at
> one time in xtherion (multi selection or something like that).
> 2. Support importing of SVG or DXF directly into therion data
> structure using import command (with some filter, that will again
> assign correct options to therion objects). This solution will never
> produce perfect results, but may help...
> 3. Support for bitmaps in scraps. OK - it is not a vector graphics,
> but it will allow you to receive a complete map very fast, even your
> existing maps are in the "paper-only" form. And this is already more
> or less possible using scrap -sketch option.
> Well, I think we will soon (within a month) start working on #1 and
> #3. I am not sure about #2. Do you have some concrete project, where
> you would like to start? Do you have some concrete SVG files you would
> like to convert to therion? Or does anybody have another idea, how to
> solve this problem?
> Regards, S.
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