OK, I agree with all current comments. I didn't know your project 
before, Julian ! It's quite nice and working well. May be one thing I 
can point out is that the datas stored about caves are not many... You 
only have coordinates ? I think that maybe we can add other levels of 
information, for people who want to add them. But clearly, your work is 
great and a very very good base of work !!!
About Eric comments : I think that we can try to make the discussion 
very widely, including other softwares... We should organize a contest 
of Computer Aided Caving Surveys... However, the question here was to 
know if there is a dynamic to organize such a wide meeting about survey 
softs !!
I know people are interested and I will try to define more precisely the 
programm and make a call for presentation for a wide community (not only 
therion one !!)


Julian Todd a écrit :
> thierrygonon wrote:
>> I plan to make a full day of presentation and after 
>> that, a half-day round-table about CAVE INVENTORIES : I'd like to put on 
>> paper some general guidelines for european inventories, so that we can 
>> find on every national inventories in Europe some common features, at 
>> the same (top) level of records...
> Well, there's no point in waiting two years to do something.  If I may 
> make an observation that no inventory can work unless it actually does 
> something -- you have to get rewarded for putting something into it  
> because we can't punish people for not putting data into it.  Here's a 
> contribution to the effort:
>    http://seagrass.goatchurch.org.uk/~mjg/cgi-bin/map.py
> All you need to post on the web is a location, scale, orientation and 
> bitmap of a survey of whatever (low) quality you are comfortable with 
> that doesn't infringe on your control of the data, and it can be seen in 
> the global geographical context on any cave portal someone chooses to 
> write (not necessarily on my own server).  This would form the backbone 
> of any cave inventory, and you guys can start adding a few examples to 
> it now. 
> Only after you've gathered some material examples from around the world, 
> and shown that there is a method of engaging people in the project, is 
> it worth doing a meeting to make it better organized. 
> Julian T.
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