Here is the raw data for NewPassage that reproduces the problem in the pdf that 
isn't in the xvi.  I've included a th2 file as a "viewer" for the XVI.  Most of 
my survey legs are commented...

Note that the BenPlan.pdf that Bruce produced also had a problem.  Although 
each LRUD section was not flipped as here, the passage width from one LRUD 
section to the next shows a discontinuity which is again different to the xvi, 
and incorrect.  See for example at stations Leg1.2 and Leg1.4.  
- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: therion-bounces at [] On Behalf 
Of Xavier Pennec
Sent: 13 November 2007 12:56
To: therion at
Subject: [Therion] LRUD bug in lox files?

Hi all,

This discussion on a potential bug on LRUD interpretation in xvi maps 
reminds me of a bug that I found a few month ago in about the use of 
LRUD in 3D lox models. I just prepared a short example included below in 
which left and right width for leg 2-3 are correct  in the Test3D.lox if 
the last line (leg from station 2 to 4) is commented and are inverted if 
the line is not commented. However, in both cases, the xvi produced 
seems to be OK. Maybe the causes could be related to the previous 


PS: as this is my first intervention of this list, here are a few 
information about myself: I am a french caver living in Antibes. I'm 
caving and surveying for more than 15 year. I came to Therion about 6 
month ago for an archeological mine survey of more than 1km  that is 
evolving every year. I might send examples of that survey (and of the 
requirements that I would have to do it better) one of these days if I 
can find the time.

Stacho Mudrak a écrit :

>Hmmm, there really seems to be some BUG in the program. Are you able to 
>separate files, which produce these strange maps (including config files)?
>It would be great, if you could send them to me that I can debug the 
>program. With your file attached - I receive (as Bruce did) same more or 
>less correct result. But there is evidently some problem with LRUD 
>orientation in the program.
>Thanks, S.
>Cooper, Ben wrote:
>>Well, I've now upgraded, but am getting strange results.  See attached
>>PDFs.  The raw XVI are OK, but in NewPassage_CL.PDF, each LRUD
>>parallelogram seems to be flipped over.  Below is the raw
>>file.  Note that the centreline output of the entire cave (UF_CL.pdf)
>>handles NewPassage slightly better (but still not perfectly) than
>>NewPassage on its own.  
>>Am I doing something wrong?
>>- Ben
>>encoding  utf-8
>>survey NewP   assage -title "New Passage"
>>  centreline
>>    equate 35 at Leg1 51 at Leg2
>>  endcentreline
>>  survey Leg1 # From Boulder Choke to Walk The Plank
>>    centerline    
>>      flags duplicate # duplicate of Boulder Choke legs for reference in
>>th2 file.
>>        extend right
>>        data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
>>        bc32 bc33     2.33    201     -54     1.1     0.3     0.5
>>0.3   #33 (Through Easy Squeeze)
>>        data normal from to length compass clino
>>        bc33 bc34     3.07    239     -39         
>>        data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
>>        bc34 bc35     2.49    231     -57     0.9     0.3     0.5
>>0.6   #35
>>        bc35 bc36     2.13    194     -37     0.4     0       0.2
>>0.8   #36
>>        bc36 bc37     2.5     141     +06     0.5     0       0.8
>>0     #37
>>        bc37 bc38     3.74    139     -09     1.6     0.2     0.7
>>1.5   #38
>>        bc38 bc39a    2.75    136     -10     0       1.15    1.6
>>1.0   #39
>>        bc39a 1               0.01    136     -10     6       1.15
>>5     1.0     #1 LRUD Est
>>      flags not duplicate
>>      extend left
>>      data normal from to length compass clino
>>      1 bc40  11      052     +43     
>>      extend right
>>      mark 1 painted
>>      data normal\
>>      from    to      length  compass clino   left    right   up
>>      1       2       29.46   153     -25     4.3     2.4     4.8
>>1.4 #2
>>      station 2 "Emergency Dump"
>>      2       3       16.09   144     -04     3.4     3.0     2.9
>>1.4 #3
>>      3       4       11.44   142     -11     4.2     2.0     0.9
>>1.6 #4
>>      4       5       9.48    142     -29     1.5     1.3     3.4
>>1.2 #5
>>      5       6       6.08    166.5   -18     0.2     0.4     2.2
>>0.8 #6
>>      6       7       3.22    154     -09     2.0     0.8     0.5
>>0.5 #7
>>      7       8       1.75    140     -04     1.7     0.6     1.1
>>1.0 #8
>>      8       9       9.27    178.5   -12.5   1.2     1.3     0.5
>>1.0 #9
>>      9       10      1.6     159.5   -20.5   0.2     1.3     0.6
>>0.6 #10
>>      10      11      2.95    156     -11     0.9     0.3     1.0
>>0.2 #11
>>      11      12      5.36    131     +03     1.5     1.2     6.7
>>0.5 #12
>>      12      13      8.17    124.5   +06     0       0.7     6.2
>>1.6 #13
>>      13      14      8.37    132     +7.5    0.9     2.7     2.2
>>1.8 #14
>>      14      15      8.81    147     -10     0.8     2.1     5.4
>>1.4 #15
>>      15      16      5.75    235     -10.5   0       1.0     5.6
>>1.0 #16
>>      16      17      6.54    272     +2      0.7     0       5.1
>>1.3 #17
>>      17      18      2.81    245     -19     0       0.3     0.4
>>0.6 #18
>>      18      19      7.54    262     0       0       1.7     5.1
>>0.8 #19
>>      19      20      6.03    263     -2      1.0     0.6     3.6
>>0.7 #20
>>      20      21      2.26    205     -2      0       0.6     0.6
>>0.5 #21
>>      20      20a     4       325     0       0       1       2
>>0.5 #20a estimated LRUD
>>      21      22      4.58    162     +9      0.7     0       5.2
>>1.3 #22
>>      22      23      4.15    144     -4      1.0     0.2     0.5
>>1.0 #23
>>      23      24      13.68   140.5   -2.5    1.5     1.5     4.9
>>0.6 #24
>>      24      25      8.61    216     +6      0       2.3     1.5
>>1.8 #25
>>      25      26      4.58    304     -13     1.1     0.9     1.8
>>1.0 #26
>>      26      27      12.65   281     +1      0.4     1.2     2.2
>>1.3 #27
>>      27      28      5.59    304     -5      0.8     1.2     1.2
>>0.9 #28
>>      28      29      5.46    275     -6      0.2     1.0     0.5
>>0.4 #29
>>      29      30      3.63    312     +2      0.4     0       2.7
>>0.5 #30
>>      #31 30  10.16   103     -3.5    0.5     0.8     0.2     1.4 #31
>>      30      31      10.16   283     +3.5    0.5     0.8     0.2
>>1.4 #31       REVERSED
>>      31      32      4.48    276     +3      1.0     0.4     1.6
>>1.4 #32
>>      32      33      8.42    286     -5      1.5     0.8     1.8
>>0.7 #33
>>      33      34      14.82   271     +1      0.3     2.2     3.2
>>1.2 #34
>>      34      35      20.06   290.5   +2      2.5     1       2
>>1.5 #35 estimated LRUD
>>      mark 35 painted # ==51 at Leg2
>>    endcentreline
>>  endsurvey # Leg1
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
>>Behalf Of Cooper, Ben
>>Sent: 11 November 2007 19:56
>>To: therion at
>>Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)
>>Aha - thanks Stacho.  I'm still on 0.5.0.  Upgrading now...!
>>- Ben 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
>>Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
>>Sent: 08 November 2007 19:53
>>To: therion at
>>Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)
>>Just few remarks:
>>1. Did you use latest version of therion (0.5.1)?  It is a new feature 
>>in that version.
>>2. You may also use other colors that gray. Just add
>>   color map-fg [100 50 50]
>>to your layout. Numbers mean intensities of red, green and blue.
>>3. Options in layout and export command are the same. In layout, you can
>>color map-fg 50
>>and in export command option -layout-color map-fg 50
>>HTH, S.
>>Bruce Mutton wrote:
>>>I tried Stacho's suggestion, and it worked fine, although I think he
>>>abbreviated the syntax of the export command a bit much.  Here's my
>>>verbose version...
>>>layout bruce-map-export
>>>  north true
>>>  scale 1 500
>>>  base-scale 1 500 
>>>  units metric 
>>>  page-grid on
>>>  grid-size 100 100 100 metres
>>>#  layout-map-header 0 0 s  #causes error?
>>>  legend on
>>>  statistics explo all
>>>  statistics topo all
>>>  statistics carto all
>>>  statistics copyright all
>>>  debug on
>>>export map -projection plan -layout bruce-map-export \
>>>  -layout-color map-fg 90 \  
>>>  -output SurveyPlan.pdf -fmt pdf  
>>>Try this Ben.  The 90 gives a passage that is more lightly shaded than
>>>Good Luck
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
>>>Of Cooper, Ben
>>>Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 3:44 a.m.
>>>To: therion at
>>>Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps
>>>Hi Stacho,
>>>I've been wanting to get print-outs of XVI, too, so I am verry
>>>interested in your recommendation, below.  I've tried it, but this is
>>>the result I get: only the centreline is visible, not LRUD.
>>>- Ben Cooper 
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On
>>>Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
>>>Sent: 06 November 2007 12:24
>>>To: therion at
>>>Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps
>>>...<text removed>...
>>>Stacho's  Example:
>>>map centerline-map
>>>  my-survey
>>>select centerline-map
>>>export map.pdf -layout-color map-fg 50 -layout-scale 1 500
>>>... where my-survey is the name of top-level survey. 
>>>...<text removed>...
>>>Regards, S.
>>>Therion mailing list
>>>Therion at
>>Therion mailing list
>>Therion at
>>Therion mailing list
>>Therion at
>>Therion mailing list
>>Therion at
>Therion mailing list
>Therion at

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