Hi, newbie Therion user excited by the prospect of electronic maps.

My first steps have been successful, but I've got stuck.  I'm using Windows
XP and Xtherion 0.5.1

I can produce centreline plots of single or multiple surveys from multiple
*.th and thconfig files in multiple directories to *.pdf, *.xvi and *.lox
files.  That much I seem to understand.

I can scan *.jpg images of my surveys and trace them to produce *.th2 files
that look fine both in the map editor and the text editor.  I think I
understand how this works, it seems easy enough.

When I place the following in my surveyN.th file,

   input RBMtestplan.th2

   map m_plan_ent   -title "Map plan entrance"



and the following in thconfig.

source surveyN.th

select m_plan_ent at n

. I get one of two results; a) a line plot that ignores the scrap and
produces only a centreline as if the scrap did not exist, or b) an error;
Mostly I get the error; viz 

"D:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: error -- RBMtestplan.th2 [7] --
invalid length reading -- -scale"

(Sometimes the error is -- invalid length reading -- -projection)

And the offending line is;

  scrap scrap1 -projection plan -scale [-128 -1296 880 128 0.0 0.0 25.60 0.0

This "seems" to follow the required syntax, and is generated automatically
by the map editor.

The samples I downloaded work fine, and I can not see my trial differs

Both results are unsatisfactory.  I would like a drawing of the cave.

I suspect I may not be scaling the sketched survey stations to the
centreline survey stations correctly(?)

Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?

Any suggestions how I can go about debugging the problem?


Bruce Mutton

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