Dear all,

The Hellenic Federation of Speleology is organising the second Balkan 
Speleo Reunion Camp in the Northern Greek region of Drama next week, 
on behalf of the Balkan Speleological Union (BSU). We are expecting 
participants from all the Balkan countries which are members of the BSU.

Is there any interest in asking the organisers for a venue to discuss 
Therion (or survey in general) with other users? The organising 
committee may be reached on meetings at and I am sure that they 
would be able to accommodate such a request in the programme.

If there is no interest for something organised, may I ask whether 
there will be any Therion users attending who might be interested in 
sharing experiences with me during the camp?

The camp will run from 13 to 23 June and details may be found here:

Stelios Zacharias

SELAS Caving Club
Pasionos 44-46
Athens - 116 31

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