On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 6:27 AM, Roger Johansson <johroger at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi!
> I'm a beginner in Therion so please be patient :)
> I'm drawing a fictious cave in order to learn how Therion works. So far I
> have managed to join two scraps from one .th2 file and surveydata from two
> .th files. The pdf-output didn't look too great however, since an
> underlaying passage isn't hidden when it crosses the upper passage.

> I figure this perhaps depends on that there was no station points in the
> scraps?

This happens because you need to tell therion specifically where the
passages are in relation to one another. You do this using the 'break'
function. For example, if you include two scraps called 'upper' and 'lower'
in your fictitious map, you should do something like this to make the upper
passage be drawn above the lower passage.

map fictitious


endmap fictitious

Everything after the break gets drawn on a lower level.

> But when I create station-points in my scraps (I have a xvi background so
> the station names are created automaticly) I can not compile anymore. I get
> an error:
> ***********
> D:\Therion\therion.exe: error -- karta1.th2 [11] -- station does not exist
> -- 3
> ************
> Pointing to this line in my th2 file:
> *************
> point 150.385 330.105 station -name 3
> **************
> What am I missing here?

You need to make sure you let therion know which survey your station belongs
to. If you have a station named "3" in a survey named "big_cave", you want
call it like this

station -name 3 at big_cave

Hopefully this helps.


^v^ ^v^ Take nothing but pictures,
^v^ Leave nothing but footprints,
^v^ Kill nothing but time.
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