Hello I am found some bugs, 5.2.14
XTherion 1) text in "Help->Controls..." for russian translation must be in CP-1251 (now in UTF-8) 2) slash in "command line options" editbox now must be doubled, example: -p ..\\.. 3) scrollbar of side panel initialized incorrect at first time after .th2 file opened 4) jumping from compiler log cause error when jump target (line nember in .th2) denote on line without line points 5) after change point type to "station" the field "orientation" not cleared 6) short-cuts not worked when I switch keyboard to native language 7) points changed their types to "station" when I set them close to XVI station node Therion 1) line command whth one line point cause infinite loop while compiling with message: [Warning: unable to determine direction on zero-length path in scrap S-800-1@] 2) When station connects to other stations which not present as point:station in map(but present in centerline) Therion draw line:survey anyway and some features be good to implement: 1) multiple installations of Therion at one system (at this time second installation to different folder corrupt the first one) 2) new command in thconfig, analogue to "-p" Therion command line option -- WBR, Vasily