
I have rerun one of my datasets which might be expected to show up your
issues on my machine and it works as expected. I have brown cave centerline,
purple stations and green surface centerline.  The altitude .'s are all
black as they are supposed to be. 

I did note what I thought was peculiar behaviour or at least gaps in
functionality earlier this year.
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.therion/2280/match=centreline  I
don't think I got a response.

I notice;

 symbol-colour point surface-station [54 74 29] # green

 symbol-colour point cave-station [54 7 60]           #purple

have no effect.  The stations seem to have a single point of control
activated by;

 symbol-colour point station [54 7 60]      #purple

Just to clarify, your issue relates mainly to the altitude . label taking on
the colour of the centerline, randomly, depending on it's position in the
th2 file scrap definition?



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Dirk Peinelt
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 2010 3:00 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] centreline color // altitude & debug label color

Hello mailing list,

when I color the centerline with .

  symbol-color group cave-centerline [100 0 0]

  symbol-colour point cave-station [100 0 0]      

  symbol-colour point station-name [100 0 0]   

. in red, it will be show some altitude values from the walls and some scrap
debug labels also in red.

I've moved the wall objects with "altitude ." to the end of the scrap
manually and the altitude values are black now. 

But the scrap debug label are still in red. 

Any ideas?


W7 / 64bit / Therion V5.3.6

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