VRML is a dead format.  There's nothing that is effectively replacing
it.  WebGL is showing promise (partly because it's based on OpenGL,
which is *the* graphics standard, rather than some funky invented

Do these demos work for you?

Web things are by default read-only.  Do you mean viewing them from
different angles, rather than editing them?


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Graham Mullan
<graham.mullan at coly.org.uk> wrote:
> Someone on UKcaving asked about displaying 3d models on the web, as opposed
> to making them available as downloads.
> Andrew immediately suggested generating vrml files and I see that Therion
> "appears" to be able to generate these. However, I cannot find a Firefox
> plugin that will display these, or X3D files.
> Has anyone else thought about this issue? It would be good to be able to
> display and manipulate models directly in a browser window.
> Graham
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