Below is a part of the therion.log file. It says "Survey has 2 connected 
components."  What is this?

It also says that there are 87 loops. But when I count them in 
therion.log, there are 86 (which should be correct, I think: 3007-2922+1).

If I rearrange (sort) the centerline data, and compile again, - the 
sentence is gone. It says that there are 86 loops (a part of that 
therion.log is shown below s well).

Not important issue, - just wondering ...

Torstein Finnesand

1> Survex 1.1.12
  2> Copyright ¸ 1990-2007 Olly Betts
  3> Survey has no fixed points. Therefore I've fixed 1 at (0,0,0)
  5> Survey contains 2922 survey stations, joined by 3007 legs.
  6> There are 87 loops.
  7> Survey has 2 connected components.
  8> Total length of survey legs = 21916.41m (21921.70m adjusted)
  9> Total plan length of survey legs = 19741.99m
10> Total vertical length of survey legs = 8090.64m
11> Vertical range = 492.90m (from 142 at 329.28m to 2049 at -163.63m)
12> North-South range = 1012.65m (from 142 at 801.56m to 1730 at -211.09m)
13> East-West range = 1084.57m (from 1269 at 700.47m to 2552 at -384.10m)
14>  412 1-nodes.
15> 2007 2-nodes.
16>  436 3-nodes.
17>   56 4-nodes.
18>   10 5-nodes.
19>    1 6-node.

1> Survex 1.1.12
  2> Copyright ¸ 1990-2007 Olly Betts
  3> Survey has no fixed points. Therefore I've fixed 1 at (0,0,0)
  5> Survey contains 2922 survey stations, joined by 3007 legs.
  6> There are 86 loops.
  7> Total length of survey legs = 21916.41m (21921.71m adjusted)
  8> Total plan length of survey legs = 19741.99m
  9> Total vertical length of survey legs = 8090.64m
10> Vertical range = 492.90m (from 728 at 120.11m to 961 at -372.79m)
11> North-South range = 1012.64m (from 728 at 367.41m to 599 at -645.23m)
12> East-West range = 1084.57m (from 1114 at 760.12m to 1121 at -324.45m)
13>  412 1-nodes.
14> 2007 2-nodes.
15>  436 3-nodes.
16>   56 4-nodes.
17>   10 5-nodes.
18>    1 6-node.

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