Hi Bruce,
I've solved the problem - obvious really - I need to use p_station, not
p_station_SKBB.  I'll send the example through later - I need to copy it off
another computer.
- Ben


From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Ben Cooper
Sent: 30 November 2011 22:35
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Re: [Therion] symbol-show fixed points / point text

Hi Bruce,
You beat me to it!  I've spent the last few days learning metapost and
rummaging around the bowels of the Therion's source code and have more or
less got to what you have summarised below.  I also spotted the smartlabel,
though haven't yet tried it in the re-definition of p_continuation.  

I surmise that stations with fixed co-ordinates are not exported by Therion
in any detectable way; while the th2 mark "fixed" is exported as "mark", and
the th2 flags are exported as "flags".  The items that are exported are
accessible in metapost.  In the debug output data.mp file, I saw that "attr
code" is exported by Therion as ATTR_code, where "code" is whatever attr has
been declated in the th2 file.  Note that it only has one "_" whereas
ATTR__text has two "_".   So one thing I tried that did work is to print the
value of my user define attr statements instead of the text, which is
potentially quite useful, as I can display a short code, and use
continuation.html for the longer description.  However, this still relies on
having the "continuation" flag set.  

I used the following re-definition of p_continuation using ATTR_code instead
of the example's ATTR__text, as follows

 code metapost
  def p_continuation(expr pos,theta,sc,al) =
   % draw default continuation symbol

   % if attr code is set
   if known(ATTR_code):

    % set labeling color to light orange
    push_label_fill_color(1.0, 0.9, 0.8);

    % draw filled label with text next to ?
    p_label.urt(ATTR_code,(.5u,-.25u) transformed T,0.0,8);

    % restore original labeling color

Looking at p_station_SKBB, the problem you and I are facing is that it's
only for the "continuation" flags that ATTR__text has been set.  It occurred
to me that if it was possible to refedine p_station_SKBB in the thconfig
file, then it would be possible to output ATTR__text if an "attr code" has
been declared in the th2 file.  

For example, th2 file:-
station 1 "Some text to output" entrance attr print "true"

My example p_station_SKBB is below.  Unfortunately, I've so far not managed
to see it being executed.  I can see it appear in the data.mp debug file,
but the changes I've made to it don't appear to work - the text is not yet
being output to my pdf file. Also, I don't understand yet the purpose of the
metapost "save" command, and the manual doesn't really shed much light on
it!  So it's possible that I've just not yet properly understood metapost

This is the sort of thing I've got in mind 

def p_station_SKBB(expr pos,mark,txt)(text flags) =
  T:=identity shifted pos;

  if mark=4: p_station_fixed(pos)
  elseif mark=3: p_station_natural(pos)
  elseif mark=2: p_station_painted(pos)
  elseif mark=1: p_station_temporary(pos)

  path path_cave;
  path_cave = (-.3u,-.25u) -- (-.2u,-.25u){dir 135} .. (0, .25u) .. {dir
225}(.2u,-.25u) -- (.3u,-.25u);
  for i=flags:
      % ... etc.  No change to contents of for-loop

   % if the "print" attribute is set to true, display the text
   if known (ATTR_print) and ATTR_print="true":
      if picture(txt):
        picture ATTR__text;
        ATTR__text := txt;
        % set labeling color to light orange
        push_label_fill_color(1.0, 0.9, 0.8);

        % draw filled label with text next to ?
        p_label.urt(ATTR__text,(.5u,-.25u) transformed T,0.0,8);

        % restore original labeling color
        save ATTR__text;
%  thdraw (0,0) withpen PenX withcolor red;

You're welcome to try it to see if you can get it to work!
- Ben


From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Bruce
Sent: 29 November 2011 18:20
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Re: [Therion] symbol-show fixed points / point text


I think the following (dumped below) from the therion sources
mpost\thPoint.mp holds the solution to what we are looking for.  And I think
the smartlabel is the wonderous self organising label routine.  I have not
had time to verify all this however.

Stacho tried to point me to it
+points+text but I did not follow up on it.

The first definition below is the code for drawing the ? symbol of a
continuation point. You just need to replace the thdraw statements with the
symbol you would like.  Don't ask me how - my approach is to trawl the rest
of the therion code for a symbol I like and perhaps tweak it a little.

The second shows how mark is used to decide what station 'x' mark to use,
and then how the flags control how the secondary symbols are added. The %%
comments are mine, so may not be correct.  It shows that station comment
text is only added if the station is flagged entrance.

I think moving the smartlabel into all but the station_temporary conditional
statements might be what we are after.


def p_continuation_UIS(expr pos,theta,sc,al) =


  T:=identity aligned al shifted pos;

  %% draw ? symbol

  pickup PenC;

  thdraw (-.1u,.2u){up}..{down}(.1u,.2u)..{down}(0,-.05u);

  pickup PenX;

  thdraw (0,-.2u);


def p_station_SKBB(expr pos,mark,txt)(text flags) =

  T:=identity shifted pos;

  if mark=4: p_station_fixed(pos)

  elseif mark=3: p_station_natural(pos)

  elseif mark=2: p_station_painted(pos)

  elseif mark=1: p_station_temporary(pos)


  path path_cave;  %% = omega symbol

  path_cave = (-.3u,-.25u) -- (-.2u,-.25u){dir 135} .. (0, .25u) .. {dir
225}(.2u,-.25u) -- (.3u,-.25u);

  for i=flags:

    pickup PenX;

    if i="entrance":

%      thfill fullcircle scaled 1 cm withtransparentcolor tr_blue;

      thdraw path_cave;

%      p_label.urt(txt,pos+(0.4u,0),0,0);

      %% move this if block outside of for loop to label all stations, not
just flagged entrance

        if not numeric txt:  

        p_smartlabel(txt,pos);  %% This is the wonderous self organising
label i think



    elseif i="sink":

      thdraw path_cave cutbefore ((-u,0)--(u,0)) cutafter ((-u,0)--(u,0));

      pickup PenA;

      thdraw (0,-.45u) -- (0,.05u) withcolor blue;

      thdraw (-.15u,-.02u) -- (0,.05u) -- (.15u,-.02u) withcolor blue;

    elseif i="spring":

      thdraw path_cave cutbefore ((-u,0)--(u,0)) cutafter ((-u,0)--(u,0));

      pickup PenA;

      thdraw (0,-.45u) -- (0,.05u) withcolor blue;

      thdraw (-.15u,-.38u) -- (0,-.45u) -- (.15u,-.38u) withcolor blue;

    elseif i="doline":

      thdraw (-.5u,.05u){down}..(0,-0.6u)..{up}(.5u,.05u);

    elseif i="dig":

      thdraw (-.5u,.25u) --

    elseif substring(0,11) of i = "air-draught":

      pickup PenB;

      thdraw ((0,.11u){dir-120} ..{dir-70}(0,0) .. {dir-120}(0,-.11u));

      thdraw ((0,.11u){dir-120} ..{dir-70}(0,0) .. {dir-120}(0,-.11u))
shifted (.11u,0);

      thdraw ((0,.11u){dir-120} ..{dir-70}(0,0) .. {dir-120}(0,-.11u))
shifted (-.11u,0);

    elseif i="continuation":

      if picture(txt):

        picture ATTR__text;

        ATTR__text := txt;



        save T; transform T;



      if picture(txt):

        save ATTR__text;


    elseif i="arch":



    elseif i="overhang":

      thdraw (.2u,-.25u)--(-.2u,-.25u){up}..{right}(.2u,.25u);



%  thdraw (0,0) withpen PenX withcolor red;


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