
My first question : I am trying to draw an extended elevation for a  
small cave (before to go to the biggest one !). But, I do not arrive  
to produce any extended-elevation xvi file (The map/plan view is OK).  
The xvi file I got is systematically wrong : the stations are linked  
only 2 by 2, with no connections between each. Something must be wrong  
in my input files or in my understanding how to proceed extended- 
elevation, but I didn't find what, nor understood why... Does anyone  
have an idea ?

My B3.th input file is :
encoding iso8859-2
  survey B3 -title "B3" -entrance "B3"

  centerline -extend right
    date 2010.07.16
   cs lat-long
   fix B3 46.101166833 6.78841683 2066.000000

   # declination 0.00  degrees
   team "G.S. Vulcain"
    units lenght meters
    units compass grad
    units clino grad
    data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
        flags surface
#       extend right
    B3 0    0.0      0.0     0.0000      0.5000000      0.5000000       
0.3000000      0.5000000
    0 1    1.8     355.0    -35.0000      0.5000000       
0.5000000      0.3000000      0.5000000

        flags not surface
    1 2    4.190000       285.0000       -50.0000       2.500000       
0.3000000       2.000000       1.000000
    2 3    4.600000       100.0000       -21.0000      0.5000000        
1.500000      0.5000000      0.5000000
    3 4    2.000000       20.00000       -82.0000      0.2000000       
0.2000000       0.000000      0.5000000
    4 5    2.430000       240.0000       -55.0000      0.6000000       
0.5000000       1.000000      0.5000000
    5 6    1.560000       80.00000       -30.0000      0.5000000       
0.5000000       1.000000      0.5000000
    6 7    3.780000       180.0000       -52.0000      0.3000000        
1.000000       1.000000       1.000000
    7 8    2.240000       380.0000       -85.0000      0.2000000        
1.500000       3.000000      0.5000000
    8 9    3.320000       155.0000       -40.0000      0.3000000       
0.4000000       1.000000      0.5000000
    9 10    2.580000       165.0000      -50.0000      0.3000000       
0.4000000       1.000000       1.000000

# extend ignore 10


My thconfig is :
encoding  utf-8
  source B3.th

  # 2-LAYOUT
  # Debut de la definition du Layout "xviexport"
  layout xviexport
    cs UTM32
    # echelle a laquelle on veut dessiner la topo
    scale 1 1000
    # taille de la grille
    grid-size 10 10 10 m
    # mettre la grille en arrière plan
    grid bottom
  # fin de la définition du layout "xviexport"

  #export map -fmt xvi -layout xviexport -o B3-map.xvi
  export map -proj extended -layout xviexport -fmt xvi -o B3-coupe.xvi

  #export map -o B3-plan.pdf -layout my_layout
  #export map -projection extended -layout my_layout -o B3-coupe.pdf

My xvi file is attached to this e-mail

Thanks a lot !


CIFAR Junior Fellow
GEOTOP, Département des Sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
Université du Quebec a Montréal
CP 8888, Succursale centre-ville
H3C 3P8

(1-514) 987-3000 poste 3592
xavier.robert01 at gmail.com


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