I have had this problem before. I gave up using kml about a year ago as 
they seem to be far fussier than the pdf and lox, so I now grab the sat 
images and use them. I would guess that the missing parts are were 
therion has got the inside and outside confused.

GMapCatcher works well for getting images, but you are breaking the T+Cs 
and copyright.


Generally I found it came from having the walls the wrong way round, 
tick should be on the air side. Also pillars (when in a single scrap, I 
believe) need to have -outline in option set.

However, this is/was not always the case, the error of scraps 
overlapping themselves was a good indication of other places it went 
wrong, but these are often very difficult to solve, I still have many in 
my data sets.


On 06/02/11 10:52, Markus Boldt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a cave with a length from about 400m. It is shared into 8 separated
> *.th and *.th2 Files.
> All worked well, if I want to get a PDF-File with projection plan.
> But in the kml-File (made with: export map -fmt kml -projection plan -layout
> standard -output BTH-11-02-06_GS.kml) there are missing part 4 of the cave.
> Has anyone an Idea, where the problem could be?
> Many thanks
> Markus
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