I know little about Inkscape, but got the basics.
Using Inkscape  0.47 r22583  Ubuntu 10.04

So loaded up the add in, one question that does not affect its use, but 
might be important for update. All my others are in folders, but this 
just goes in as is (I did try it in a folder but it did not work.)

It imported my th2 files fine, but with no background image, not sure if 
it was meant to. All the ones I tried had been from a PocketTopo import.

First impressions are impressive, all the wall types shown, if anything 
a little fine on the detail, sometimes had to zoom in a bit to tell the 

Then tried a new file, did not bother with a background image, just 
played, added walls and even different subtype of walls, okay they all 
came up the same but when saved and then reloaded they came out fine.

Couple of comments, I try to connect node points together when attaching 
a pit to a wall, etc. I know it is not needed in Therion, as clip sorts 
it out, but it works for me, but I could not do this on Inkscape.
On a loaded file you cannot change the wall subtype, which is how you 
said, however I am not sure if this is the right behaviour. As I could 
tell from my new file I could add in different subtypes of wall as new, 
so why not give the option of changing them. When opening ask if you 
want read only or changeable. Okay it would not change on the display 
until next reloaded, but currently I would have to change it in Xtherion 
or an editor..

Also on loading it found a few errors

skipped: #point
skipped: #point
warning: empty line
warning: empty line

An indication of which line would be good, or better still an option to 

Maybe lots of this is planned. It is very impressive, I can see it in 
the future helping lots of people to be able to use Therion in the 
future. It would be good to have an idea where you intend to go with it, 
I have lots of questions, things like viewing at different scale 
outputs, and seeing the text along a line labels, then there are Areas.

Wonderful stuff it looks like I will be teaching myself Inkscape!


On 14/02/11 15:41, marco corvi wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-02-13 at 15:18 +0100, Thomas Holder wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wrote import and export plugins for Inkscape to edit th2-files. This
>> is particular useful to remaster existing therion-drawings with the
>> convenience of a quite modern vector-graphics application. The therion
>> line/point type annotation is stored in the object label (Object
>> Properties Dialog) and can also be altered with dialogs from "Extensions
>>   >  Therion>  Set..." menus.
>> Download:
>> http://www.thomas-holder.de/projects/inkscape-speleo/extensions/th2-latest.zip
>> Unsupported is the editing of lines with line point options, since there
>> is no concept in SVG for this. Such lines will be marked as read-only on
>> import.
>> I will be happy for any feedback (if it works, if you find it useful).
> that's interesting indeed.
> import works.
> line drawing is ok, and the line appears in the export with type "wall",
> but when i change the label it's no longer exported.
> i do not know anything about inkscape:
> how to draw points ?
> and areas ?
> marco
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