Thanks Martin

I have made a clumsy crude attempt at getting therion's version and compile
date into the map header/legend, as in the attached file, layout and image
below.  Hopefully ready for the new 'thversion' variable.

I can see that the metapost variables year month etc are there, but not sure
how to access them, presumably via tex, to get them into the header.

One way would be to modify the legend symbol to include the compile date
-really messy.

Another way would be to make a new entity like the north arrow or scalebar,
and include it in the legend - not sure how to do this or if therion would
recognise it if I did.

Or can tex extract the mpost variables directly?

Any good ideas?

You can probably tell that I'm not much of a coder.


layout LayoutEnterExperimentalVersionDate

#check and enter the current th version and date each time you compile

      code tex-map

            \newtoks\thversion \thversion={5.3.8}

            \newtoks\today \today={24Jun2011}


      copy LayoutExperimentalHeader #from LayoutStandards: sets up for
inclusion of the above

endlayout LayoutEnterExperimentalVersionDate

> Is it possible to expose the version number of therion to metapost?

this could be added

> And the current system date and time?

there are following internal numeric variables in metapost:

hour, minute, day, month, year



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