I am sorry replaying this question so late, but I am currently
cleaning all todo lists and I have discovered it as not answered.

If you specify "-namespace off" in your surveys - it must be specified
for each survey, it will not create namespace and so you do not need
to specify equate commands, if you have unique station names. It
should do exactly what you are asking for.

E.g., if you have

survey s1 -namespace off
    data normal from to bearing clino tape
    0 1 100 0 10
    1 2 200 0 10

survey s2 -namespace off
    data normal from to bearing clino tape
    2 0 300 0 10

Should automatically create 0 - 1 - 2 closed loop.


On 1 September 2011 08:44, Torstein Finnesand
<torstein.finnesand at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks. Probably I will arrange data in a few surveys. Shouldn't be a
> problem.
> I thought that maybe the "namespace off" commando could solve the problem,
> but I guess not. But can someone explain what "namespace off" does?
> Regards
> Torstein
> Den 29.08.2011 17:33, skrev Wolfgang Zillig:
>> Hi Torsten,
>> either you use equate, or you need to remove the individual surveys. You
>> can use "#" to mark the lines as comment. Small hint, you can use more than
>> two stations at the equate command.
>> Regards
>> Wolfgang
>> Am 29.08.2011 16:59, schrieb Torstein Finnesand:
>>> Hi,
>>> "Equate" is used to set the survey stations equivalence, i.e: equate
>>> 2 at first 1 at second. The cave I survey has only unique station names 
>>> (about
>>> 3000). But still I have to use the equate command for a station that is
>>> located in 2 surveys. If not, the loops will not be closed. So I do like
>>> this: equate TA40 at first TA40 at second. I have to use this command many 
>>> times,
>>> since the cave has a lot of surveys.
>>> Question: Is it possible to not use the equate command, since all
>>> stations are unique? For instance by another command that tells
>>> Therion/survex that the station names are unique even if there are two or
>>> more surveys or by arranging data in another way.
>>> Torstein Finnesand
>>> Norway
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