here are a few ideas for other new symbols.

I am extensively using a few additional symbols while drawing 
projections: dashed contours for contours thare are on the back-side of 
the projection, dashed areas for the connection of two galleries or for 
a void / gallery orthogonal to the projection.

I am also using an additional line symbol (which should be actually 
clipped off automatically) for the direction of fractures visible on the 
walls, and I am often missing a point symbol "dip" for the inclination  
of the strata


## To draw contours which are on the back-side of the projection
   def l_u_backcontour (expr Path) =
     pickup PenD;
     draw Path dashed evenly scaled (0.25 * optical_zoom);

## Area of connection of two galleries, orthogonal to the projection and 
on the front-size
def a_u_connection(expr Path) =
   #% density
   numeric  dx; dx := 0.25u;
   path q; q := bbox Path;
   numeric lq; lq :=   xpart urcorner q - xpart llcorner q;
   numeric hq; hq :=   ypart urcorner q - ypart llcorner q;
   numeric dq;  dq :=  lq+hq;
   picture tmp_pic;
   tmp_pic := image(
     for i = xpart llcorner q - hq step dx until  xpart urcorner q:
       numeric j; j := ypart llcorner q;
       thdraw (i,j)--(i+hq,j+hq) withpen pensquare scaled (0.01u);
   clip tmp_pic to Path;
   clip tmp_pic to Path shifted (-dq/40,-dq/40);
   draw tmp_pic;
# initsymbol("a_u_connection");

## same for connections on the back-side of the projection
def a_u_backconnection(expr Path) =
   #% density
   numeric  dx; dx := 0.25u;
   path q; q := bbox Path;
   numeric lq; lq :=   xpart urcorner q - xpart llcorner q;
   numeric hq; hq :=   ypart urcorner q - ypart llcorner q;
   numeric dq;  dq :=  lq+hq;
   picture tmp_pic;
   tmp_pic := image(
     for i = xpart llcorner q - hq step dx until  xpart urcorner q:
       numeric j; j := ypart llcorner q;
       draw (i,j)--(i+hq,j+hq) dashed evenly scaled (0.5 * optical_zoom) ;
   clip tmp_pic to Path;
   clip tmp_pic to Path shifted (-dq/40,-dq/40);
   draw tmp_pic;

   def l_u_fracture (expr P) =
     cas := 0;
     dlzka := arclength P;
     mojkrok:=adjust_step(dlzka, 0.8u);
     pickup PenC;
     k := 90;
       t1 := arctime (cas + mojkrok*1/5) of P;
       t  := arctime (cas + mojkrok/2) of P;
       t2 := arctime (cas + mojkrok*4/5) of P;
       thdraw (subpath (t1,t2) of P);
       mark_alt (P,t,0.2u, k);
       cas := cas + mojkrok;
       k := (k + 180) mod 360;
       exitif cas > dlzka - (2*mojkrok/3); % for rounding errors

Le 11/11/2011 20:48, Stacho Mudrak a écrit :
> Hello everybody,
> after drawing a complex map of one show cave, I would like to add new 
> standard symbols to therion. These should include:
> line edge - should be used to draw other then rock edges, e.g. wall 
> structures in elevation. There is already rock-border -- rock-edge 
> pair, there is general border symbol but no general edge symbol.
> line rope - already discussed here, just line point option anchor 
> on|off should work also
> line handrail - this symbol already exists in some cave symbol sets. A 
> line with dots in plan, in elevation some standard 1m tall handrail 
> would be drawn.
> point handrail - used to draw handrail in cross-sections
> line steps - should be used in both, plan / elevation projections. In 
> plan, this line would surround steps area and steps would be drawn 
> parallel to the first line segment. In elevation, 20cm steps would be 
> drawn.
> line path - used to draw concrete or other path in caves, where it was 
> built. If it will be closed curve, it will be filled with "area path". 
> See below.
> area path - fill for path areas. It would be automatically applied for 
> closed line steps/path in plan projection.
> Also should be added:
> line rope-ladder
> line fixed-ladder
> line via-ferrata
> point via-ferrata
> Do these symbols make sense? Any comments? Any other symbols, that 
> should exist in the standard therion library?
> Thanks a lot for the feedback, S.
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>  -------------------------
>  Xavier Pennec
>  Senior Research Scientist / Directeur de recherche
>  Asclepios project-team, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
>  2004 Route des Lucioles, BP93
>  F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex, France
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