The th2 file has only one set of coordinates for the xvi file comprising 
both the sketch jpg image and the vector drawing.
When loading this th2 file, the sketch offset is wrong, and even if one 
corrects it and save the th2, it will be wrong again the next time one 
opens it.


##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {314.962 1 1.0} {157.48 101} 
MasDuPre1_projPuits.xvi 0 {}

Le 26/11/2011 00:24, Martin Sluka a écrit :
> On 25.11.2011, at 18:35, Xavier Pennec wrote:
>> In fact, the problem comes from the generation of the xvi file with 
>> sketches where the offset generated for the "set XVIimages" seems to 
>> be wrong.
> Have you check the .th2 file if there is the wrong coordinates too? 
> What's happen if you manually change the coordinates in .th2 file out 
> of xtherion?
> m.
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>  Xavier Pennec
>  Senior Research Scientist / Directeur de recherche
>  Asclepios project-team, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
>  2004 Route des Lucioles, BP93
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