On 14/06/12 09:07, Bruce wrote:
> I have always tried to keep my map definitions OUTSIDE of surveys, as I've
> been following the dictum to keep surveys and maps as independent as
> possible.  Having said that, Therion seems to think my maps are inside the
> survey one level up in the hierarchy, for example I need to specify items
> like;
> select bpwMP at BullPotFarm

Interesting interpretation, which had not crossed my mind, which is why
I arrange the maps as it is in Footlegs example.

>From my point of view (although I am very interested in what the 'gods'
had in mind) I had interpreted it that the maps would probably be better
if they did not equate to survey trip into caves not the
survey-endsurvey nest. Now I understood this was because surveys trips
tend to finish at junctions, which is the worse place to join maps. Also
side passages are inevitably junctions. So I just slightly altered my
surveying method, to one that I should have been doing before Therion. I
just made sure that every side passage had a leg down it, now with the
distoX this is really easy, you do not even have to go into the passage,
the point just becomes temporary until you go back and survey the
passage, but it removes the map join from the junction. In reality we
should have always done this, as it show leads on the centreline and
their direction, which has lead to a few links been discovered that in
the past we would have ignored until much latter.

For older data where survey trips do not correspond to maps, I still put
maps in survey-endsurvey nests to get something like this

survey 1
  map 1a

  map 1b

survey 2
  map 2

survey a

Although generally I have moved to put them into one survey-endsurvey
which I find gives better naming control

survey cavename
  map 1a

  map 1b

  map 2


Anyway it works for me, although I am always interested in more
efficient/clear systems


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