Bit puzzled at first when this did not work, however, it appears that if
in your layout you have

code tex-map

the map-image does not seem to work. So you cannot use this at the same
time as a custom legend box, which is a bit of a pain.

Looking at data.tex it seems to be defining the maplayout twice

\cavename{Reservoir Hole and White Spot Cave}

Now you can put the pdf in using the code, and another legend box



But that requires absolute path, which does not work very well in the
repository, so not much good to me. The data.tex show me this

\cavename{Reservoir Hole and White Spot Cave}

again only the second maplayout works.

Is it possible to refer to the map-image in the \def\maplayout code, so
that I can insert images without using absolute paths, or make it so
map-image is not overriden by a \def\maplayout

Data available from

The above comes from the file

Using Therion 5.3.9

On 18/10/12 22:04, Martin Sluka wrote:
> Generate map1 first and place it to map2:
> map-image <x> <y> <n/s/e/w/ne/nw/se/sw/center> <filename> ▷ include image
> specified by <filename> into map at location specified by <x> <y>. For 
> coordinates
> and alignment details, see map-header specification.
> map-image 100 100 nw map1.pdf

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