This was supposed to take me a few weeks to get around to. but a miss-spent
afternoon at work.

I have added a dataset to the wiki that produces a map demonstrating all of
the area symbols and their interactions with each other and other entities.
It produces an A3 approx map at 1:1000.  It is set up to allow users to add
their own symbol customisations without too much effort, and to easily allow
switching from the default or various preset symbol sets.

I see I forgot to add a 10m grid to the map to give a sense of scale.
Perhaps I'll add that in due course.

Some things I learned during the process.

The transparency of areas with filled backgrounds in pdfs is quite different
when viewed with Adobe and Foxit Readers.

Adobe renders them opaque, and Foxit renders them translucent (except for
area u:) and except for objects that explicitly have -place bottom set and
except for my custom area water and area sump.  This difference in behaviour
persists through to the printed documents as well.  At least that's how it
behaves on two computers I use.

Objects with -place bottom are always completely obscured by areas with
default placement regardless of the viewer.

Objects with -place top render the same as objects with default placement
over areas with default placement in both viewers.

The Foxit behaviour is preferable I think, although you can never get a rock
that looks like it is definitively 'high and dry above the water', unless
you say, draw two rocks, one directly above the other.

Therions sketch-warp algorithms perform very badly where the transformation
applies a 'squash' in the y-axis and a stretch in the x-axis.  The lower and
upper thirds are transformed nicely and the middle third is scrunched beyond
recognition.  Adding extra survey stations to try to distribute the
distortion is not particularly effective.  I have samples if anyone is
interested, but perhaps too large to distribute on the forum.

A behaviour of map-comment (concatenation vs replacement) that was partially
implemented on my behalf some time ago remains partially implemented.
Would it be possible to make it so that repeated map-comments in the same
layout concatenate rather than replace previous instances as described in
that post?


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