2.10        2.11        49.30     -14.96    3.575     >

2.11        2.10        0.00        0.00        0.000     >

This looks like an error in the PocketTopo Therion export.

I will look at that.


From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of John Stevens
Sent: Thursday, 29 August, 2013 13:13
To: List for Therion users
Subject: [Therion] Export Full Backbearings from PocketTopo to Therion

Export oddities from PocketTopo to Therion

A while back, I noted that if you do a full back bearing of three readings
straight after you have done to forward leg, PocketTopo recognises this as
the same leg and numbers it accordingly. I have not found any documentation
about this useful feature though.

    2.10                  1.139   64.25  -33.70  [1]    

     2.10                  1.288   53.85  -61.89  [1]    

     2.10                  2.243  304.70  -50.40  [1]    "fissure in floor
with sound of water flowing "

     2.10        2.11      3.574   49.25  -15.19  [1]    

     2.10        2.11      3.574   49.06  -15.19  [1]    

     2.10        2.11      3.577   49.27  -15.23  [1]    

     2.11        2.10      3.576  229.26   14.68  [1]    

     2.11        2.10      3.575  229.37   14.68  [1]    

     2.11        2.10      3.577  229.60   14.80  [1]    

     2.11                  0.599   96.53   74.98  [1]    

     2.11                  0.201  156.69  -50.20  [1]    

If the back bearing was outside the automatic parameters, then it can always
be forced and sorted later. i.e. make a note, station may be too close to
iron work or buried iron in spoil/deads.

PocketTopo and TopParser deal with these in different ways when it is
imported into Therion

PocketTopo averages all 6 readings for the output file but it also adds a
blank line

2.10                     64.25     -33.68    1.140     >

2.10                     53.85     -61.89    1.288     >

2.10                     304.69   -50.39    2.243     >

2.10     2.11        49.30     -14.96    3.575     >

2.11     2.10        0.00        0.00        0.000     >

2.11                     96.67     75.01     0.599     >

2.11                     156.63   -50.15    0.201     >

This second line then has to be commented out or deleted once in Therion.
Other than that all other outputs act as expected. 

TopParser on the other hand outputs both sets of readings as separate legs.
This has an advantage but a couple of disadvantages.

2.10  -  1.139  64.25  -33.7  

2.10  -  1.288  53.85  -61.89  

2.10  -  2.243  304.7  -50.4  fissure in floor with sound of water flowing 

#2.10  2.11  3.574  49.25  -15.19  

#2.10  2.11  3.574  49.06  -15.19  

#2.10  2.11  3.577  49.27  -15.23  

2.10  2.11  3.575  49.15  -15.2  Calculated leg from 3 above

#2.11  2.10  3.576  229.26  14.68  

#2.11  2.10  3.575  229.37  14.68  

#2.11  2.10  3.577  229.6  14.8  

2.11  2.10  3.576  229.31  14.72  Calculated leg from 3 above

2.11  -  0.599  96.53  74.98  

2.11  -  0.201  156.69  -50.2   

If I use this output, the length of the cave is doubled for the leg but I do
get some nice 2 leg loop closure errors.  

The distance can be adjusted but adding flags duplicate and flags not
duplicate lines around the duplicate leg. 

These loop closures then give me good feed back into where magnetic
influences are within the cave/mine.

  5.70%    0.4m    7.7m   2   -0.2m    0.4m   -0.0m [2.7 - 2.8 - 2.7]

  3.86%    0.2m    5.1m   2   -0.1m   -0.2m   -0.0m [2.8 - 2.9 - 2.8]

  2.70%    0.2m    8.7m   2   -0.2m    0.2m   -0.0m [2.11 - 2.12 - 2.11]

  1.18%    0.1m   11.0m   2   -0.1m   -0.1m    0.0m [2.9 - 2.10 - 2.9]

  0.50%    0.0m    3.9m   2   -0.0m   -0.0m    0.0m [2.12 - 2.2 - 2.12]

  0.44%    0.0m    7.2m   2   -0.0m    0.0m   -0.0m [2.10 - 2.11 - 2.10]

  0.33%    0.0m   10.8m   2    0.0m    0.0m   -0.0m [2.2 - 2.7 - 2.2]

>From these it is easy to see which passage had a large iron pipe running
down it, even those we kept a good distance from it. This now allows me to
set that passage survey grade as lower for the loop closures.

But with all these subloops, Therion does not like calculating the main loop

The other main problem with the TopParser output is for the extended
section. Here it plots both legs so the centreline and splays are in the
wrong place for the drawings. So that output is totally useless and I have
to go back and use the PocketTopo output for extended sections.

So bit more work on TopParser and PocketTopo to make them both fully
implement this useful function.

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