+++ Olly Betts [2013-12-01 23:02 +0000]:
> But in your original example, you're linking to a non-existent station
> in a different survey (if I follow the therion syntax correctly), and
> the equivalent situation gets a warning from Survex:
> badequate.svx:1: warning: Station "kb.kb51_29" referred to just once, with an 
> explicit prefix - typo?
> I think we made this a warning rather than an error because it makes
> processing subsections of a large survey (e.g. a single cave) easier.

Yes, we did.

And that's still useful functionality, although the need for processing
small sections is much reduced these days. Consideration could be given
to whether it would now be appropriate to declare that the smallest
section of processing is now 'a system', and provide better visibility
controls for viewing subsections. (and if you want to process smaller
sections in isolation you'll have to make efforts to include 'stub' or
reference connection points to avoid errors). There are both pros and
cons to this and some thought would be needed on where the balance lies.

Does therion process subsections using survex, or collect it all up into
a complete dataset and proces that?

Presumably bruce's problem is solved simply by better visibility of the
existing warning, which shouldn't be hard?

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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