Now I am on the computer where I was playing with these VRML models, I
can confirm that the viewer I was using was ParaView

I've just checked, and it can export to POV-Ray format, the open
source ray tracing software which can be used to produce very high
quality rendering.


On 11 October 2013 19:37, Wookey <wookey at> wrote:
> +++ Footleg [2013-10-11 08:24 +0100]:
>>    I used the vrml export from Loch to produce a 3D model file which was
>>    suitable to get 3D printed. The article about it (written by Mike Bedford,
>>    who got the printing done) is in the latest issue of Descent magazine. I
>>    could import that model file into other 3D modelling software, so perhaps
>>    there is an application out there which can convert it?
> 'meshlab' looks like a good tool for doing this
> (already packaged in Debian). I
> expect blender can too, but some goolgeing suggests that this needs
> extra scripts.
> The wavefront .obj file seems a fairly straightforward format:
> But it only represents surfaces so far as I can see, not lines. So we
> can export terrain and volumes, but not plain surveys (without faking
> survey lines into cylinders).
> It does look like this would be a useful format to output. Or teach
> meshlab to read/write .3D and/or lox.
> Do Bruces' mates know that Aven can export a video file directly,
> animating a survey? However that can only have a mesh surface (as
> generated by terraintool) currently, which may or may not be 'high
> quality' enough for their purposes.
> Wookey
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