I always leave the elevations to last.

Have just discovered that Topparser is not working for me when it comes to
producing projected elevations.

Not sure if it is because;

1.      Topparser is not using the declination from the top file to adjust
bearings when it produces projected elevation xvi's, or
2.      I have been too clever, and my habit of entering <decl correction> =
declination + <therion plan rotation> in PocketTopo has got the better of

I suspect number 2 is most likely as Andrew seems to have done a pretty good
job. Either way, unless a field for 'plan rotation' is added to Topparser,
projected elevations are not going to work for me.

As on the http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php/paperless page I have been
following this approach (that I came up with).

*                 PocketTopo stores the declination (and trip information
like the date and the surveyors etc) that is set at the time a shot is
received with that shot, and this association cannot be broken. If you
subsequently change the declination (or other information), it only has
effect for future shots. The declination is added to the compass bearing for
the purpose of producing the sketch. So, if you enter an erroneous
declination and take some shots, the drawing will be permanently skewed.

*                 This effect can be used to advantage if you want to make
sure the text in your 2D pdf maps will be aligned properly when the finished
map is to be rotated. Enter a declination into PocketTopo that equals
<declination> + <rotation>. The effect of this is to ensure that the xvi
sketches produced will be oriented the same as the finished map, and so text
-align variables will match the orientations of the finished map. The
downside of this approach is that the coordinates of the stations stored in
PocketTopo will be completely arbitrary. (So far I have not taken any notice
of the coordinates in PocketTopo - if you accept this I don't think there
are any other ramifications - but I might be wrong)


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