> Subject: [Therion] extended section colored by altitude
> To: therion at speleo.sk
> Message-ID:
>       <1382891575.29328.BPMail_high_noncarrier at 
> web120301.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> marco menchise asked me why extended sections do not come colored by altitide.
> indeed coloring ext. sectiion by altitude (or depth) would make sense to me 
> ...
> tried with 5.3.11 and they come white.
> looked at the source, and the Z coord that it used to color by altitude is 
> set to 0 for the extended section.
> any reason why?
> marco

Surely the reason is you don't need it. The passage at top of the page is high 
and the passage at the bottom is low.
If the colours were used on a section it would be reasonable to assume that the 
colours would indicate which passages lay behind other passages but this 
couldn't apply to an extended section as passages are stretched out along the 
line of the projection.

Dave Clucas
daveclucas at icloud.com

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