
Sorry I did not finish typing my last message.

I'd like to request some more metapost variables that users can make use of,
to make their map headers more complete.  I regularly get complaints from
judges at map competition time, and I refuse to 'hard code' these in my
layouts, because I regularly change versions and coordinate systems, so to
'hard code' is not only duplication (I selected it in the input files and
then type it again in the output layout), it also invites mistakes if I
forget to change something.

So, some suggestions;

\thversion  = the current version of therion, ie 5.3.15 (for the next

\thoutputcs = output coordinate system code ie <null>, UTM1, or EPSG: 2193

\thoutputcsshort = output coordinate system short text ie arbitrary, UTM1,
or NZTM 2000

\thoutputcslong = output coordinate system long text ie arbitrary, Universal
Transverse Mercator Zone 1, or New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000.

If it would help to have someone do a menial task, I can put together a
table of EPSG and ESRI codes (in english).

\thnorth = grid, true or magnetic

\thgeomagdeclination = the geomagnetic declination at the date of
compilation (or perhaps the date of the most recent survey?) 

\thgridangle =  similar to declination, but wrt grid north.

This will allow us to define metapost north arrows that points combinations
of grid, true and to magnetic north at will.


From: therion-bounces at [] On Behalf
Of Bruce
Sent: Saturday, 5 April 2014 5:38 p.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Re: [Therion] Question about "\cavedepth" and Northarrow

>I think, the idea with variables containing coordinate extents and
modification of layout should do the job. I will try to implement it, in the
next snapshot.

Stacho, You are becoming prolific. I like it!

Can I request a \thversion variable as well please, so the 


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