+++ Olly Betts [2013-12-27 21:06 +0000]:
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 08:18:18PM +1300, Bruce wrote:
> > Since I installed Survex 1.2.8 a few weeks agoi, my machine has been giving;
> > 
> > “C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: warning -- can't open cavern 
> > output”
> > 
> > when survex loop closure is specified, and I suspect this is causing Therion
> > to revert to therion loop closure and hence the distortion problem has been
> > manifesting again if I specify std errors.  You can see samples of  my
> > therion.log files in the attached dataset.
> > 
> > Xavier is using Survex 1.2.6 and his log files, which do not have this
> > problem, are attached separately.
> Survex 1.2.7 introduced a new 3d format version (v8), but it looks like
> therion 5.3.12 wasn't updated to understand this.
> Copying over img.h and img.c from the latest Survex sources to therion
> and rebuilding should fix this.  Or making therion run cavern with the
> -v7 option. 

This has been done in the Debian version of therion, from 5.3.11 onwards.

I was hoping that would be adopted in the 5.3.12 release upstream, but
it hasn't been yet.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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