Having unearthed the sample dataset I posted last week, I though I would
progress the drawing a little more.

I have noticed some minor bugs (I think) when drawing cross sections.

1. In cross sections, point station symbols do not render with the correct
symbol when they have 'mark fixed' set, as in the plan and section below.

The point station in the section seems to plot with the temporary survey
station symbol regardless.

2. The map header 'drawn statistics' do not recognise the scrap author
(person and date) and do not recognise the copyright date for scraps that
are cross sections (projection none).  I noticed this because all the plan
scraps were drawn in 2012 by someone else, and I have just added some 2014
cross sections with myself as author.  However, although the cross sections
are included in the pdf output, only the drawn and copyright statistics from
the original plan scraps are reported.

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