+++ Stacho Mudrak [2014-06-14 12:16 +0200]:
>    Unfortunatelly, I do not understand what exactly is the problem with wx
>    3.0.
>    I have installed debian jessie/sid on my virtual linux box and all I
>    needed to do to get therion 5.3.15 working was related to VTK6.
>    I needed to change lxData.cxx and link all existing vtk libraries in the
>    system this dirty way:
>    VTKLIB = $(addprefix -l,$(subst xxxlib,,$(addprefix xxx,$(notdir
>    $(basename $(shell ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtk*-[1]6.1.so))))))
>    VTKLIBS = $(VTKLIB) -lfreetype -lpng -ljpeg

OK. I have a more specific library list, from using the tool they
provide to analyse your code for library requirements.
-lvtkCommonCore -lvtkCommonDataModel -lvtkFiltersCore -lvtkFiltersHybrid 
-lvtkIOLegacy -lvtkjpeg -lvtkpng

I don't think that adding all 363 vtk libraries to the link link is
the right way to go !

Can you send me your vtk6 lxData.cxx patch? I've made one but don't
really know what I'm doing so am not sure if it's right.

>    No need to change anything with wx3.0.
>    When I run loch - it prints a lot of assertions, but it runs without any
>    problem, if I click to ignore them. I have not yet tested Olly's patches,
>    I have done this two weeks ago or so. Even running loch with filename as
>    argument works fine.

OK. Interesting. Thanks for doing that.

>    I have not tried on a box with 3D hardware
>    acceleration, may be there timing issue will rise. But is this related
>    with wx3.0? 

I guess if it works on some machines then remaining issues may well be
hardware/driver specific. Although it's odd that wx2.8 does nnot
produce issues on the same hardware.

I'll test on my machines and see what I get.

>    As far as I know, there were problems with intel 3D cards on
>    Linux box from the beginning.

There was for a time but that went away a couple of years ago. And yes
that apeared to be a problem at the wx/opengl drivers level.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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