+++ Bill Gee [2014-03-26 07:24 -0500]:
> Hi Stacho -
> As you suspected - Running "mpost data.mp" in the thTMPDIR directory only 
> produced messages about missing preload files.
> I went to root and ran mktexlsr.  WooHoo!  That fixed the problem!  "mpost 
> data.mp" runs to completion, and it also works when run from inside xTherion.

That suggests a packaging bug in some tex/metpost package on fedora,
which should have run that as a post-install action.

This would be good to isolate/report, but without being (becoming :-) a
tex/metpost geek you made find this hard to track down.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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