Thanks Rowena

A command like this worked for the temp pdfs that I don't need.
`system "del sometempfile.pdf"`

How about the therion.log and .xtherion.dat files?
They seem to be created after the last line in thconfig is executed so they
can't be deleted with "system ..."
One solution that comes to mind is to create a batch file that waits for a
couple of seconds and then deletes those two files after therion has
finished with them. There is probably a cleaner solution though.

Which raises the next question 
I tried the batch file approach with this command
`system "start removefiles.bat"`
The file removefiles.bat sleeps for 5 seconds and then tries to delete
therion.log. The thing is that I might be using `system start...`
incorrectly because Therion still waits for it to finish.


----- Цитат от rowena_l at, на 14.11.2014 в 01:48 ----- 

Hi Vladmir,
You can put commands in your thconfig file to delete the unwanted files
after the "export" command.
Therion Book, page 46:
‘system’Allows to execute system commands during therion compilation.
53 Normally Therionwaits until the subprocess is finished. If you want to
continue compilation without break,use  background:rgb(228,228,228);">From:
"List for Therion users" 
To:"therion at " 
Sent:Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:28:48 -0000
Subject:[Therion] Cleaning up folders and temp files


 After I compile a project I end up with several files that I don't need
 .xtherion.dat - don't know what it is
 and a couple of temp PDFs that I compile and then merge into a final PDF
that contains both plan and elevation

 Is there a way to delete all of those or at least prevent therion from
generating them? I don't really look at the therion.log file.

 In the examples I see commands like:
 #!CLEAN rabbit.lox rabbit-plan.pdf rabbit-xelev.pdf
 but it doesn't seem to do anything and uncommenting it causes an error.



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