Qave - Polish one. It works well but no implementation of calibration and 
export to Therion. 

Odesláno z iPhonu

12. 10. 2014 v 23:17, Wookey <wookey at>:

> +++ Markus Boldt [2014-10-12 17:05 +0200]:
>> Hi all, 
>> slowly the time goes to end, there we can buy cheap "old" PDA with
>> Winmobile. Pockettopo works only on Win platform and small cheap devices
>> with Windows as OS are seldom. And our devices in use are growing older.
>> What do you all use? What alternatives are possible. I know about some so
>> called APPS for Android, but do they work?
> I saw a demo of an app at Hidden Earth which is essentially a
> re-implementation of pockettopo on android. The core drawing part is
> done, as is data transmission over bluetooth. It needs some file
> save/read code to be useful. Andrew knows the name of the fellow doing
> it - I've forgotten.
> Having an android app with that functionality will give us a lot more
> choice of hardware.
> There is already topodroid, but I understand it is a lot more like
> xtherion-lite than pockettopo, which is OK if your cave is warm and
> you like surveying very slowly, but for many situations the very
> simple lines-only/no metadata drawing style of pockettopo makes a lot
> of sense.
> I am certainly very keen to see a free software implementation of
> pockettopo. It might even make me buy an android device :-)
> Wookey
> -- 
> Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
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